The institution that you mentioned has always been judging China’s internal affairs, deliberately distorting facts and attacking and smearing China. It has little, if any, political credibility. I want to stress that Hong Kong affairs are purely China’s internal affairs,which brook no foreign interference.
(来源:外交部例行记者会 2023年5月15日)
❶ the institution that you mentioned你提到的这个机构
❷ has always been judging China’s internal affairs, deliberately distorting facts and attacking and smearing China一贯对中国内政说三道四,蓄意歪曲事实、攻击抹黑中国
has been judging... 意为“一直对……说三道四”。
deliberately意为“故意地”,distort facts意为“歪曲事实”,attack and smear China意为“抹黑和攻击中国”。
❸ It has little, if any, political credibility.毫无政治诚信可言。
it has little, if any这个表达,用于表达否定含义,意为“丝毫没有”,其中if any意为“即使有”,例如:
The impact of climate change on global agriculture is undeniable, and it has little, if any, regard for geographical boundaries or national borders.气候变化对全球农业的影响是不可否认的,它的影响不分国界。
The new social media platform has faced intense scrutiny from experts who claim it has little, if any, transparency or political credibility. 新的社交媒体平台面临着专家们的严格审查,他们声称该平台缺乏透明度和政治信誉。
❹ I want to stress that Hong Kong affairs are purely China’s internal affairs, which brook no foreign interference.我要强调的是,香港事务纯属中国内政,不容任何外部势力干涉。
brook no interference or opposition意为“不容干涉,或反对”,例如:
From childhood on, she’d had a plan of action, one that would brook no interference. 从孩提时代起,她就有了一个行动计划,而且是个不容他人干预的计划。
The government’s stance on the issue of national security brooks no interference, and any attempt to undermine it will be met with firm action. 政府对国家安全问题的立场不容任何干涉,任何试图破坏它的行为都将受到坚决打击。
要表示“任何做某事的尝试,都会遭到坚决的打击”可以用:例如:any attempt to do sth will be met with firm action。
The company’s commitment to ethical business practices brooks no interference, and any attempt to compromise its principles will be met with immediate consequences.公司对商业道德实践的承诺不容任何干涉,任何试图妥协其原则的行为都将受到立即的惩罚。