Creating some sample data
Even though we haven't added all the bells and whistles to our Radio Show table and pages, we can still use them to enter sample data. The Radio Show List page will be the easiest to use for this.
In Object Designer, with pages selected, highlight page 50000 - Radio Show List, and click Run. Then click the New icon on the ribbon. An empty line will open, where we can enter our sample data. Of course, since our table is very basic at this point, without any validation functionality, table references, function calls, and so on, we will have to be creatpe (and careful) to enter all the indpidual data fields accurately and completely without guidance:

Enter the data shown in the following table so we can see what the page looks like when it contains data. Later on, after we add more capabilities to our table and pages, some fields will validated, and some will be either automatically entered or available on a lookup basis. But for now, simply key in each field value. If the data we key in now conflicts with the validations we create later (such as data in referenced tables), we may have to delete this test data and enter new test data later:
We will use the testability framework for automated testing later in this book. A test codeunit is provided in the downloads, but for now, it is recommended to key in the data manually.