Ionic Cookbook

How to do it...

VS Code works on Mac, Windows, and Linux. Here are the instructions:

  1. Visit
  2. Download and install for your specific OS
  3. Unzip the downloaded file
  4. Drag the .app file into the Applications folder and drag it to Mac's Dock
  5. Open Microsoft Visual Studio Code
  6. Press Ctrl + Shift + p to open the command palette
  7. Type the shell command in the command palette
  8. Click on the shell command: Install code command in PATH command to install the script to add Visual Studio Code in your terminal $PATH
  9. Restart Visual Studio Code for this to take effect

Later on, you can just write code (including the dot) directly from the Ionic project folder and VS Code will automatically open that folder as a project.

Note that the following screenshots were taken from a Mac:

  1. If you decide to use Sublime Text, you will need Package Control (, which is similar to a Plugin Manager. Since Ionic uses Sass, it's optional to install the Sass Syntax Highlighting package.
  2. Navigate to Sublime Text | Preferences | Package Control.
  1. Go to Package Control: Install Package. You could also just type the partial command (that is, inst) and it will automatically select the right option:
  1. Type Sass and the search results will show one option for TextMate & Sublime Text. Select that item to install: