In the previous chapter, we looked into the general information about the ROS architecture and how it works. We saw certain concepts, tools, and samples of how to interact with nodes, topics, and services. However, in the beginning, all of these concepts might look complicated, but, in the upcoming chapters, we will start to understand their applications. It is advisable to practice these terms and refer to tutorials before reading the upcoming chapters.
In this chapter, we will learn the advanced concepts of the ROS architecture, which includes the parameter server and dynamic parameter, actionlib, and nodelets, along with TF broadcaster and listener. In addition, we will also look into the ROS simulation framework, Gazebo, and how to develop a plugin for it. Finally, we will look at the ROS visualization tool (RViz) and its plugins. We will discuss the functionalities and applications of each concept and will look at an example to demonstrate its workings.