Unity 2018 Cookbook(Third Edition)

About the author

Matt Smith is a computing academic at what will soon become the Technological University of Dublin, Ireland.

Matt started computer programming on a brand new ZX80 and submitted two games for his computing O-level exam. After nearly 10 years as a full-time student on a succession of scholarships, he gained several degrees in computing, including a PhD in computational musicology.

In 1985, Matt wrote the lyrics and was in the band whose music appeared on the B-side of the audio cassette carrying the computer game Confusion. Matt is a documentation author for the open source Fungus Unity project.

With his children, he studies and teaches tae kwon do, and all three of them are beginning guitar lessons in 2018.

Many thanks to Chico for all his work on the earlier editions of this cookbook - I look forward to working with you again in the future.
Thanks to my family for all their support. Thanks also to the editors, reviewers, and readers who provided feedback and suggestions. Thanks to my students, who continue to challenge and surprise me with their enthusiasm for multimedia and game development.

Special thanks to  Kris for help with the VR recipes and  Justin in Limerick for keeping me sane with snooker and golf breaks over the summer.