This code is jointly revised and accomplished by China MCC20 Group Corp.,Ltd.and the relevant participating companies according to the requirements of Document Jian Biao〔2013〕No.169 issued by Ministry of Construction(MOC)-“Notice on Printing the Development and Revision Plan of National Engineering Construction Standards in 2014”.The revision team has conducted investigations,summarized experiences of installation of rolling mill mechanical equipment for decade of years,carried out monographic study,used a lot of literature and engineering documents as reference and taken advice widely from relevant participating organizations and experts in the process of revision,finally developed this reviewed draft.
The code comprises 17 chapters and 4 appendixes with the main contents as follows:general provisions,basic requirement,equipment foundation,anchor bolt and packer,equipment and materials,rolling mill,shears,uncoiler and coiler,roller table,cooling bed,conveyor,transfer and tilting equipment,straightener,loop,welding machine,heating furnace,auxiliary facilities,safety and environmental protection etc.
The main contents of revision:
(1)Adjust the chapter layout of this code.Combine section 4.2 and 4.3 of chapter 4 in original code as section 4.2 of chapter 4,move section 15.14 of chapter 15 to section 7.4 of chapter 7,combine section 6.2,6.3,6.4 and 6.5 of chapter 6 in original code into one section,move section 15.12 of chapter 15 in the original code to chapter 14 as one individual chapter,to make the revised code chapter name be consistent with contents of provision,the processing linkage and cooperation be more reasonable.
(2)Revise the compulsory provisions.
(3)Add the contents regarding to base plate setting up with grouting method,rolling mill main driving motor,strip shears,rolling disc cooling bed,laser welding machine,shot blaster,pickling equipment,slab sizing press,safety and environmental protection.
(4)Move the general specification regarding to the test run of chapter 5 to 16 to chapter 2 uniformly,and revise the contents about test run of chapter 5 to 16.
(5)Revise the rolling mill mechanical equipment subentry engineering and subsection engineering records and partial provision contents of chapter 2.
(6)Add contents regarding to the mill base plate and housing inspection method with laser tracker and total station in chapter 5 and revise partial provisions.
(7)Delete the contents regarding to the hot rolling strip uncoiler of chapter 7.
(8)Add the installation and acceptance specification of crank lifting drive device in chapter 15 and revise partial provisions.
The provision printed in bold type is compulsory one and must be enforced strictly.
Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China is in charge of the administration of this code and the explanation of the compulsory provisions.China Metallurgical Construction Association is in charge of routine management,China MCC20 Group Corp.,Ltd.is responsible for the explanation of specific technical contents.All relevant organizations are kindly requested to integrate with the engineering practice and accumulate experiences during the process of implementing this code.The relevant opinions and advice,whenever necessary,can be posted or passed on to the Technical Center of China MCC20 Group Corp.,Ltd.(Address:No.777,Pangu Road,Baoshan District,Shanghai,China;Post code:201900;E-mail:jszx99@126.com)
The Chief Development Organization,Participating Development Organization,Chief Drafting Staff and Chief Reviewers of this code:
Chief Development Organization:
China MCC20 Group Corp.Ltd.
Participating Development Organization:
Shanghai MCC 13 Construction Corp.Ltd.
China First Metallurgical Group Co.,Ltd.
Bao steel supervision station of metallurgical industry engineering quality supervision
main station.
MCC TianGong Group Corp.,Ltd.
Chief Drafting Staff:
Wang Yingjun Wei Shangqi Cao Yang Sun Jian Liu Guangming
Yang Jiahua Li Changliang Cao Guoliang Wei Hongchao Cheng Jihong
Zheng Yongheng Zhao Cong
Chief Reviewers:
Guo Qijiao Zhao Rong Cao Chunguang Sheng Jinliang Xiang Xiangxia Feng
Jianyong Qin Baoren Chen Hongwu Yang Mingzhu
Translation Organization:
China MCC20 Group Corp.Ltd.
Chief Translator:
Han Jianping Li Ning Wei Shangqi Sun Jian Zhou Jianmin Bao Jia