An allegation of sexual assault has rocked the already contentious confirmation hearing of Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Palo Alto University professor Christine Blasey Ford says she was a high school student when Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed and tried to force himself on her in front of one of his friends at a party in the 1980s.
Since the accusation became public, many people have cast doubt on the allegation, sought to undermine Blasey Ford's credibility, or suggested that the historic nature of the case renders it irrelevant to the current proceedings.
A Wall Street Journal editorial entitled The#MeToo Kavanaugh Ambush claims that“this old and unprovable story can't be allowed to delay a Supreme Court confirmation vote. ”The editorial takes a number of angles of attack, suggesting that it is impossible to discover the full facts of a historic allegation, describing Blasey Ford's decision to come forward as a“calculated political ambush”and suggesting that she may well have forgotten or misremembered the facts.
But the notion that we should simply not bother trying to investigate an allegation because it is difficult to find evidence seems particularly ironic in the context of the appointment of a judge to the highest court in the country. Surely in this case, above all others, the pursuit of justice and truth should the utmost priority.
But, of course, women's historic experiences of abuse are not a priority. This is what so many recent comments and think pieces have implied. The idea that women who speak out about sexual assault are politically or financially motivated, which has been used again and again to attack and discredit#MeToo stories, betrays a shocking lack of understanding of the impact of sexual violence. The shame and silencing that surrounds it. The sheer courage it takes to speak out. The terror of the backlash that will follow. And the ways in which some women have found the strength to speak only after witnessing the bravery of others, or reaching a point at which they felt the stakes were so high that the wider responsibility outweighed the personal cost.
All these reasons, which help to explain the length of time elapsed between some assaults and the survivors' testimonies, have been weaponized and turned against women to undermine their credibility based on the timing of their accusations. For women, whose lives, reproductive rights and freedoms might be substantially impacted by Kavanaugh's appointment, this nonchalant willingness to dismiss their experiences for the sake of political expediency is devastating.
1.Which of the following is true of Brett Kavanaugh's case?
[A]Christine Blasey Ford was his high school classmate.
[B]His allegation is handled by the U. S. Supreme Court.
[C]His nomination has already aroused a lot of controversy.
[D]Professor Ford was a witness of his sexual assault.
2.The Wall Street Journal editorial attempts to ________.
[A]disclose more facts to the public
[B]discredit Christine Blasey Ford
[C]hide the facts from the readers
[D]attack the Court for supporting Ford
3.Of the idea suggested by the Wall Street Journal article, the author is ________.
4.Women may speak out when ________.
[A]the sexual violence is intolerably cruel
[B]other people misunderstand the violence
[C]they see the social significance of it
[D]there are witnesses willing to help them
5.It would have devastating consequences if ________.
[A]women's credibility is undermined
[B]Ford's accusation proves to be false
[C]Kavanaugh is not punished seriously
[D]Kavanaugh's case is not investigated
1.allegation/ˈæli ˈɡ eiʃən/n.辩称,辩解;断言
2.assault/ə ˈsɔːlt/n.攻击,突袭;侵犯
3.contentious/kən ˈtenʃəs/a.好争论的;引起争论的
4.confirmation/ˈkɔnfə ˈmeʃiən/n.确认,证实
5.hearing/ ˈhiəriŋ/n.听证会;听力
6.supreme/sjuː ˈpriːm/a.至高的,无上的
7.nominee/nɔmi ˈniː/n.被提名者
8.accusation/ˈækjuː ˈzeiʃən/n.控告,指控
9.undermine/ˈʌndə ˈmain/vt.暗中破坏;削弱
10.credibility/ˈkredi ˈbiliti/n.可靠性,可信
11.render/ ˈrendə/vt.使成为,使得
12.proceeding/prəˈ si ːdiŋ/n.进行;诉讼程序
13.editorial/ˈedi ˈtɔːriəl/n.社论,时评
14.delay/di ˈlei/vt.延期,延缓
15.calculated / ˈkælkjuleitid/a.有预谋的,故意的
16.investigate/in ˈvestiɡ eit/vt.研究,调查
17.ironic/ai ˈrɔnik/a.具有讽刺意味的
18.pursuit/pə ˈsjuːt/n.追赶,追求;研究
19.utmost/ ˈʌtməust/a.极度的,最大的
20.priority/pra ˈiɔriti/n.优先(权);优先事项
21.motivate/ ˈməutiveit/vt.给予动机;鼓励
22.discredit/dis ˈkredit/vt.败坏……名誉;使不可信
23.betray/b ˈi trei/vt.背叛,出卖;泄露
25.backlash/ ˈbæklæʃ/n.反冲力;强烈的反应
26.witness/ ˈwitnis/vt.目睹,目击
28.outweigh/aut ˈwei/vt.比……重;胜过,超过
29.elapse/i ˈlæps/vi.流过,消逝
30.testimony/ ˈtestiməni/n.证词,证言
31.reproductive/ˈriːprə ˈdʌktiv/a.生殖的,再生产的
32.substantially/səb ˈstænʃəli/ad.本质上;相当大地
33.nonchalant/ ˈnɔnʃələnt/a.漠不关心的,冷淡的
34.expediency/ik ˈspːi diənsi/n.方便,权宜
35.devastate/ ˈdevəsteit/vt.毁坏,破坏
1.pin 按住,别住
2.ambush 埋伏,伏兵
3.think piece 时事评论
4.weaponize 把……当成武器
1.Since the accusation...proceedings.(第二段)
本句中,在Since引导的状语从句中,became public意为“公开”;在主句中,have cast, sought to和suggested三个谓语动词是并列关系。句中,allegation和accusation基本上是同义词;cast doubt on意为“使人对……产生怀疑”; credibility指某个人的可信程度;undermine Blasey Ford's credibility就是不让人相信Ford说的话;the current proceedings指上一段提到的听证会,the historic nature of the case renders it irrelevant to the current proceedings是说由于Ford的指控年代久远,很难证实事件的真伪,因此不应该让这样一个莫须有的案件延迟对Kavanaugh提名确认的投票(见下一段)。
2.But the notion that we...country.(第四段)
本句的主干结构是the notion...seems...ironic,主语部分包含一个that引导的同位语从句,其中又包含一个主句和because引导的原因状语从句。the appointment of a judge to the highest court指第一段中提到的Supreme Court nominee(被提名者)。
3.The shame and silencing...personal cost.(第五段)
在审议唐纳德·特朗普提名Brett Kavanaugh出任最高法院法官的听证会上,争论已经非常激烈,一项性侵指控又震动了这次听证会。帕洛阿尔托大学教授Christine Blasey Ford说,1980年代的一次聚会上,她当时还是一名高中生,Kavanaugh把她压在床上,当着他一个朋友的面试图强行侵犯她。
指控公开以来,许多人对这一指控表示怀疑,企图暗中损害Blasey Ford的信誉,或暗示这一案件的历史性质使之与目前的听证程序毫不相干。
《华尔街日报》一篇题为“#MeToo对Kavanaugh的伏击”的社论声称,“不应该运用这样一个陈旧的、无法证实的故事延迟最高法院的确认投票。”社论从各个角度展开攻击,它暗示不可能确定这种历史指控的完整事实,它把Blasey Ford决定站出来称作“蓄意的政治伏击”,还暗示她很可能忘记或记错了那些事实。
Those who oppose medical marijuana legislation often cite the strong association between marijuana use and criminal activity. This includes the U. S. federal government, which continues to classify marijuana as a schedule one drug. We analyzed city-level data from states across the U. S. and found that medical marijuana laws have little effect on violent or property crime in nearly all medical marijuana states.
Medical marijuana laws represent a major change in marijuana policy in the U. S. Since California passed the first medical marijuana law in 1996,30 U. S. states and the District of Columbia have legalized medical marijuana. The passage of medical marijuana laws offers researchers a good natural experiment to study the causal effects of marijuana use on a variety of health outcomes.
The perception that marijuana use leads to crime can be traced back to the 1930s. In an effort to gain public support for marijuana prohibition, the Narcotics Bureau chief Harry Anslinger collected dubious anecdotes of marijuana causing crime and violence in his infamous Gore Files.
There is indeed a strong correlation between marijuana use and criminal activity. For example,the Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring Program shows that more than half of adult male arrestees tested positive for marijuana use. Financial needs can lead to property crime for some heavy users. Research also shows that long-term neuropsychological effects of marijuana can harm the brain, causing violent behaviours. Some studies have identified brain abnormalities in MRI images among casual and abstinent users.
Nevertheless, such correlation could be entirely spurious because marijuana users have a higher propensity to commit crimes. Only people who are willing to break laws would use marijuana under prohibition. In our paper, we used data on criminal offence, spanning more than 25 years(1988—2013). We analysed relatively large cities with at least 50,000 residents. In addition to traditional regression analysis, we adopted the state-of-the-art synthetic control method that allows us to estimate the effects of medical marijuana laws in each city.
We found that the actual crime rates in medical marijuana cities generally move closely with the other cities. This suggests no substantial effect on both violent and property crime. The results remain similar when we look at specific crimes such as murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary and theft. Our findings show that we can safely rule out that medical marijuana laws and the associated marijuana use cause increased crime. The strong correlation between marijuana use and criminal activity is mostly spurious. Our study provides robust evidence that medical marijuana legislation does not contribute to crime, and possibly helps to reduce it.
1.The author and his colleagues conclude from their study________.
[A]legalizing marijuana does not increase crime rate
[B]marijuana use leads to an increase in criminal activity
[C]marijuana shouldn't be classified as a number one drug
[D]marijuana legalization has little effect on the society
2.The legalization of the drug use ________.
[A]allows researchers to test its effect in natural environment
[B]was traced to the federal government's efforts in the 1930s
[C]gives the public opportunities to express their opinion on drugs
[D]affords researchers greater access to more historical files
3.The evidence that marijuana use increases violence is deemed to be ________.
4.The synthetic control method allows the author and his colleagues to ________.
[A]identify a criminal inclination in drug users
[B]correlate marijuana use with property crime
[C]overcome the drawbacks of traditional methods
[D]make a comparative study across different cities
5.We learn from the first sentence of the last paragraph that ________.
[A]cities with high crime rates lie close to each other
[B]more cities are drawing up medical marijuana laws
[C]there is no significant difference among the cities studied
[D]other cities begin to imitate medical marijuana cities
1.marijuana/ˈmæri ˈwɑːnə/n.大麻
2.legislation/ˈledʒis ˈleiʃən/n.立法
3.association/əˈsəusi ˈeiʃən/n.联系,联想
4.classify/ ˈklæsifai/vt.把……分类
5.schedule/ ˈʃedjuːl/n.日程;时间表
6.violent/ ˈvaiələnt/a.暴力的;猛烈的
7.property/ ˈprɔpəti/n.财产;性能,特征
8.represent/ˈrepri ˈzent/vt.代表;再现,描述
9.legalize/ ˈliːɡəlaiz/vt.将……合法化
10.causal/ ˈkɔːzəl/a.原因的,因果关系的
11.outcome/ ˈautkʌm/n.结果,后果
12.trace back to 追溯到
13.prohibition/ˈprəuhi ˈbʃiən/n.禁止,禁令
14.bureau/bjuə ˈrəu/n.局,署
15.dubious/ ˈdjuːbjəs/a.可疑的;不确定的
16.anecdote/ ˈænikdəut/n.轶事,趣闻
17.correlation/ˈkɔri ˈleiʃən/n.关联,相关性
18.abnormality/ˈæbnɔː ˈmæliti/n.异常,变态
19.abstinent/ ˈæbstinənt/a.禁欲的,有节制的
20.nevertheless/ˈnevəðə ˈles/ad.然而,尽管如此
21.propensity/prə ˈpensiti/n.倾向,习性
22.offence/ə ˈfens/n.冒犯,得罪;犯法
24.resident/ ˈrezidənt/n.居民
25.state-of-the-art 尖端的,最先进的
26.synthetic/sin ˈθetic/a.综合的;合成的,人工的
27.substantial/səb ˈstænʃəl/a.实质的,实际的;大量的,重大的
29.robbery/ ˈrɔbəri/n.抢劫;盗窃
30.aggravate/ ˈæɡ rəveit/vt.加重,加剧
31.burglary/ ˈbəːɡ ləri/n.入室盗窃
32.rule out 排除
33.robust/rə ˈbʌst/a.强壮的;强有力的
1.District of Columbia 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区(Washington D. C.)
2.narcotic 麻醉剂
3.arrestee 被捕者
4.neuropsychological 神经心理(学)的
5.spurious 伪造的,假的
6.regression 回归;后退
1.In an effort to gain...Gore Files.(第三段)
本句中,the Narcotic Bureau的全称是the Federal Bureau of Narcotics(FBN),即联邦禁毒局,创立于1930年,时任局长的是Harry Anslinger,他主张对毒品的使用加以严厉惩罚,这个机构是Drug Enforcement Administration(DEA)的前身。词组dubious anecdotes指一些无科学依据的说法,anecdotes此处不宜译成“轶事,传闻”, Gore Files是一个文件的名字。
2.In addition to traditional...each city.(第五段)
句中提到两种统计学的方法,一种是regression analysis,通常用来评估各变量之间的关系;另一种是synthetic control method,在对比研究中,这种方法通常用于评估干预产生的效果。合成词state-ofthe-art意为“最先进的,尖端的”。
大麻使用导致犯罪,这一认识可以追溯到1930年代。为了努力获得公众对禁用大麻的支持,当时的美国禁毒局局长Harry Anslinger在他臭名昭著的“戈尔档案”中收集了一些莫须有的说法,指出大麻导致犯罪和暴力。
Generation Z came of age at the height of a dystopian trend. We grew up reading The Hunger Games, Divergent, etc. These books showed us a world in which children's lives were used as currency to be traded and passed around like old, dirty coins, until a strong teenage heroine came along to stand up to the powers that be and start a revolution.
My question is:If we were raised to look up to these characters, why are people so surprised that we have become them? The parallels between our current government and the themes of the most popular dystopian novels are striking. Every day, kids are killed on the streets, in their schools, and at the movies. Inexplicably, politicians have done nothing to stop this ongoing massacre. Or perhaps it's not that inexplicable:They've chosen to stay complicit in this slaughter to keep their pocketbooks lined and their Congressional seats warm. Are they that different from The Hunger Games's President Snow, who“reaped”dozens of children annually to placate the mas-ses?
Instead of being sent into an arena for a televised fight for our lives, we, in Gen Z, are sent to marches, town halls, and rallies for a televised fight for our lives. German film critic Siegfried Kracauer theorized that pre-war German films foreshadowed Hitler and the ascent of the Nazi party. Similarly, I believe that the popularity of literature in which children are regularly brutalized,murdered, or left defenseless until they rally and fight back, paved the way for the current gun violence prevention movement.
For years there have been several mass shootings that terrorize the country for days at a time. Eventually, the calls for action fade to whispers. For years, communities of color have screamed for change, only to be muted by an indifferent nation. For years, incidents like suicide by firearm and domestic gun violence were written off as isolated tragedies that would have happened with or without a gun.
The gun prevention movement is the result of a perfect storm:The coming of age of a generation raised to constantly look over our shoulders for a gun; politicians who have sat by and allowed us to grow up terrified that we would become the next gun violence statistic; and our childhood love of several bestselling dystopian novels that double as handbooks for how to take on a corrupt government.
There is one glaring difference between popular dystopian novels and the current gun reform movement:Instead of having one teenage savior, we have many.
1.It can be inferred that the dystopian trend is marked by ________.
[A]worship of money
[B]revolutionary movement
[C]legendary literature
[D]murder and terror
2.By saying politicians“keep their pocketbooks lined”(Para.2), the author means they ________.
[A]refuse to listen to the complaints of young children
[B]pay no attention to the terror faced by school children
[C]know nothing about the world described in dystopian books
[D]make a lot of money by dishonest and corrupt methods
3.According to the author, the popularity of dystopian novels ________.
[A]should be blamed for the increased murder cases
[B]can make the urgency of gun control felt by people
[C]leads to an increase in TV production of the novels
[D]is an indication of the rise in the new Nazism trend
4.The government's reaction to increased gun incidents is ________.
5.The gun prevention movement is stimulated by ________.
[A]a combination of several tragic circumstances
[B]the endeavors made by the people of color
[C]the calls of the politicians not yet corrupted
[D]the popularity of several dystopian novels
1.come of age 成年,达到法定年龄
2.currency/ ˈkʌrənsi/n.通货,货币
3.heroine/ ˈherəuin/n.女英雄;女主角
4.stand up to 对抗,面对
5.revolution/ˈrevə ˈluːʃən/n.革命;旋转
6.look up to 指望,钦慕
7.character/ ˈkæriktə/n.人物;性质,性格
8.parallel/ ˈpærəlel/n.平行;相同的人或事物
10.striking/ ˈstraikiŋ/a.鲜明的,显著的
11.inexplicably/in ˈeksplikəbli/ad.难以解释地;费解地
12.massacre/ ˈmæsəkə/n.残杀,屠杀
13.slaughter/ ˈslɔːtə/n.屠宰,屠杀
14.pocketbook/ ˈpɔkitˈbuk/n.钱包,皮夹子
15.congressional/kən ˈɡ reʃənl/a.国会的
17.placate/plə ˈkeit/vt.安抚,抚慰
18.arena/ə ˈriːnə/n.竞技场;界
19.rally/ ˈræli/n.聚集,集会
20.foreshadow/fɔː ˈʃædəu/vt.预示,预兆
21.ascent/ə ˈsent/n.上升,升高
22.brutalize/ ˈbruːtəlaiz/vt.使残忍;残忍对待
23.pave the way for 为……做准备
24.violence/ ˈvaiələns/n.暴力,暴虐;猛烈
25.terrorize/ ˈterəraiz/vt.使恐怖;恐吓
26.at a time 一次;同时;一下子
27.eventually/i ˈventj uəli/ad.最后,最终
28.whisper/ ˈwispə/n.低语,耳语
29.mute/mj uːt/vt.使(声音)变弱
30.firearm/ ˈfaiərɑːm/n.枪械,枪炮
31.write off 注销,勾销;被认为没价值
32.tragedy/ ˈtrædʒidi/n.悲剧;悲剧作品
33.look over one's shoulders 小心,提防
34.terrify/ ˈterifai/vt.使害怕,使恐惧
35.corrupt/kə ˈrʌpt/a.腐败的,堕落的
36.savior/ ˈseiviə/n.救护者;救星
1.dystopian 反面乌托邦,可怕的
2.divergent 分叉的,分歧的
3.complicit 同谋的
4.glaring 耀眼的,显眼的
1.Are they that different...the masses?(第二段)
这是一个问句,言外之意,这些政治家与《饥饿游戏》中的斯诺总统没有什么两样,是一丘之貉。在小说中,President Snow是极权独裁统治的代表,为人阴险、狡猾、残忍。这里,“reaped”dozens of children指小说讲述的故事情节:北美洲在一场大战后被摧毁,人们在原来的废墟上建立了新的家园,但新政权规定:为了惩罚原来的反叛者,管辖下的12个地区每年都必须进贡少年男女,参加一档电视直播节目“饥饿游戏”,在游戏中进行生死搏杀以求生存。
2.Similarly, I believe that...movement.(第三段)
本句宾语从句的主干结构是the popularity...paved the way for...,即这类文学作品的流行为……做好了准备。结合对上一句的理解,作者的意思是说:德国战前制作了很多宣传极权主义的电影,这为希特勒上台铺平了道路;相比之下,现在的人们喜好读反乌托邦小说,这也为全社会开始关注儿童被虐待和杀害的问题、为当下正在进行的禁枪运动做了准备。需要指出的是,希特勒的例子是反面例子,禁枪是正面的例子。
3.The gun prevention movement...government.(第五段)
本句中冒号后面不是三个句子,而是三个名词短语,描述了三种糟糕的局势,对the result of a perfect storm进行具体说明。在第一个名词短语中,coming of age指儿童长大成人;raised...for a gun是过去分词短语,修饰generation;词组look over one's shoulder意为“小心提防(某事)”。在第二个名词短语中,sat by可以理解为做旁观者或无动于衷,become the next gun violence statistic实际上是说成为枪击事件的下一个受害者。在第三个名词短语中,that引导定语从句,修饰novels;词组take on这里意为deal with or tackle(应对,对付),这里是说两类书的数量都增加了,也就是说,随着政府腐败越来越严重,揭露政府腐败和呼吁人们警惕政府腐败的小说也在增加。
4.There is one glaring difference...have many.(第六段)
这个句子是说,在反乌托邦小说中,往往最终会产生一个少女英雄领导反政府的运动(见第一段的描述),与此不同的是,在现实生活中,所有年轻人都可以成为禁枪运动的主力。这里,teenage savior指第一段中提到的a strong teenage heroine。
我们Z代虽然没有为了保命被送进竞技场搏杀供电视转播,但会被派去游行示威,去市政厅请愿,去参加集会,通过电视转播为我们的生命而战。德国影视评论家Siegfried Kracauer提出下述理论:二战前的德国电影预示着希特勒的上台以及纳粹党上位。同样,在文学作品中,孩子们通常被残忍对待、被杀害或无力保护自己直至他们聚集起来反抗,我相信,这种作品的流行也为当下控制枪械暴力的运动铺平了道路。
Gov. Jerry Brown has restored net neutrality rules in California that were repealed under the Trump administration, setting up a legal battle with the federal government over whether states can prevent companies from blocking access to the internet. California is one of more than 25 states to consider net neutrality protections since the FCC voted late last year to reverse the Obama-era internet regulations.
California leaders and activists cheered the move, calling the new state rules vital to protect fair access to the internet and part of the state's resistance to the Trump administration on tech, immigration and climate change policies. Sen. Scott Wiener, who introduced the bill, said the push for net neutrality legislation would protect small businesses, activists and others. “Net neutrality means that we as individuals get to decide where we go on the internet as opposed to being told where to go, ”he said at a San Francisco news conference this month.
California Atty. Gen. Xavier Becerra, who along with his counterparts in other states sued the FCC over its net neutrality repeal, also embraced the state's efforts to restore the rules. But he cautioned his agency would need additional funding and staff to complete its new regulatory duties. On the Assembly and Senate floors, state lawmakers clashed over whether the state should step in to fill a role some said was best left to the federal government. To opponents, the rules represented burdensome, harsh regulations on companies; for proponents, they were strong and necessary protections for consumers.
Tech activists and advocacy groups say other states are sure to follow California and described the rules as crucial to protect open access to the internet for impoverished and marginalized communities. Speaking at the news conference in San Francisco, Haleema Bharoocha of the Greenlining Institute said the internet had given her a platform to combat sexual harassment and raise the voices of women in the#MeToo movement.
Still, telecom industry groups and lobbyists warn the new law will be challenged in federal court, a case they say could make its way to the Supreme Court. “We all support strong and enforceable net neutrality protections for every American—regardless of where they may live. But this bill is neither the way to get there, nor will it help advance the promise and potential of California's innovation, ”said Jonathan Spalter, chief executive of USTelecom.
The legislators said they worked with the state attorney general's office to prepare to withstand legal challenges and said they were prepared to battle the telecom industry in court.
1.The enactment of the net neutrality rules ________.
[A]is intended by the federal government to protect users
[B]is a reaction to the federal government's regulations
[C]is a result of the combined endeavors of 25 states
[D]protects companies from government intervention
2.The main objective of the new laws is to ________.
[A]frustrate the federal policy
[B]guarantee fair Internet access
[C]give voices to various activists
[D]ensure fair immigration policy
3.It can be inferred that telecom companies ________.
[A]are opposed to the net neutrality bill
[B]have been actively protecting consumers
[C]think the new regulations incomplete
[D]welcome the restoration of the rules
4.The new bill can prevent companies from ________.
[A]coming into conflicts with the state
[B]misleading the users of poor families
[C]favoring selected groups of consumers
[D]making discriminatory policies against women
5.All the people quoted support the new bill EXCEPT ________.
[A]Scott Wiener
[B]Xavier Becerra
[C]Haleema Bharoocha
[D]Jonathan Spalter
1.restore/ris ˈtɔː/vt.恢复,修复
2.neutrality/njuː ˈtræliti/n.中立(地位,态度等)
3.repeal/r ˈi pːi l/vt.&n.撤销,废除
4.administration/ədˈminis ˈtreiʃən/n.管理;管理部门;政府
5.set up 竖起,建起;设立
6.access/ ˈækses/n.入口;接近(的途径,门路等)
7.reverse/r ˈi vəːs/vt.颠倒,反转;废除
8.regulation/ˈreɡ ju ˈleiʃən/n.管制,调节;法规
9.vital/ ˈvaitl/a.生命的;生死攸关的,极其重要的
10.resistance/r ˈi zistəns/n.抵抗,反抗
11.immigration/ˈimi ˈɡ reiʃən/n.移入,移民
12.legislation/ˈledʒis ˈleiʃən/n.立法
13.news conference 记者招待会
14.counterpart/ ˈkauntəpɑːt/n.对应的人或事物
16.embrace/im ˈbreis/vt.拥抱;接纳;包括
17.regulatory/ ˈreɡ julətəri/a.调节的,管制的;法规的
18.assembly/ə ˈsembli/n.集合,集会;大会
19.senate/ ˈsenit/n.参议院
21.opponent/ə ˈpəunənt/n.反对者,对手
22.burdensome/ ˈbəːdnsəm/a.繁重的,累赘的
23.proponent/prə ˈpəunənt/n.提议者,支持者
24.advocacy/ ˈædvəkəsi/n.拥护,鼓吹,提倡
25.crucial/ ˈkruːʃəl/a.至关重要的,关键的
26.impoverish/im ˈpɔvəriʃ/vt.使穷苦,耗尽
27.marginalize/ ˈmɑːdʒinəlaiz/vt.使边缘化
28.harassment/ ˈhærəsmənt/n.侵扰
29.telecom= telecommunication/ˈtelikəmjuːn ˈi keʃiən/n.电信
30.lobbyist/ ˈlɔbiist/n.游说者
31.enforceable/in ˈfɔːsəbl/a.可实施的
32.regardless of 不管,不顾
33.innovation/ˈinəu ˈveiʃən/n.创新,革新
34.legislator/ ˈledʒisˈleitə/n.立法者
35.withstand/wið ˈstænd/vt.抵得住,承受住
1.Gov. = Governor 州长,省长;总督
2.Sen. = Senator 参议员
3.Atty. Gen. = Attorney General [美]司法部长
1.California leaders and activists...change policies.(第二段)
在主句中,move意为an action taken to achieve an objective(为实现某个目的而采取的行动),这里the move指新法规被通过。在calling引导的分词短语中,calling有两个补语,一个是vital...internet,另一个是part...policies,意为这种做法是对抗特朗普政府政策的一部分。
2.On the Assembly...federal government.(第三段)
本句中,Assembly指州立法机构的下议院/众议院,Senate指州立法机构的参议院,floors指议院内的发言席。这里On the Assembly and Senate floors实际上指该法规正处在参众两院的辩论时。句中,fill a role意为“履行某个角色”; some said was best left to the federal government是定语从句,修饰role,是说一些人认为这一角色最好由联邦政府去担任。
3.But this bill is neither...USTelecom.(第五段)
本句是一个并列句,由neither...nor连接。在前半句中,there指上一句提到的保护每一个美国人的目标,get there指达到目标。在后半句中,promise意为“希望,前景”。
Jerry Brown州长在加利福尼亚州恢复了被特朗普政府撤销的网络中立法规,这样,围绕州政府是否有权防止公司阻碍上网途径,加州同联邦政府开始了一场法律战。自从联邦通信委员会去年投票撤销了奥巴马时代的网络法规以来,有超过25个州考虑制定网络中立保护措施,加州是其中之一。
加州的领导者和活动家对这一做法表示欢迎,声称这些新的州规对保护公平上网至关重要,认为这是州政府在高技术、移民和气候变化政策上对特朗普政府的抵制的一部分。参议员Scott Wiener是该法规的提议者,他说推进网络中立立法能保护小企业、活动家和其他人。这个月,在旧金山一个新闻发布会上,他说,“网络中立意味着我们作为个体自行来决定在网络上访问哪里,而不是被告知访问哪里。”
加州司法部长Xavier Becerra和其他州的同行们联合起诉联邦通信委员会,告它撤销网络中立法规。他也支持加州在恢复中立法规上作出的努力。但是他警告说,他的机构需要额外的资助和工作人员来完成新的管理工作。在州众议院和参议院辩论会上,围绕州政府是否插手于某些人认为最好留给联邦政府承担的角色,州立法者意见不一致。在反对者看来,该法规意味着给公司施加沉重的、严厉的法规;而在拥护者看来,法规为用户提供了有力而必要的保护。
高技术活动家和呼吁团体说,其他州肯定会步加州的后尘,他们说这些法规对保护贫困和被边缘化的群体公平使用互联网至关重要。绿线学会的Haleema Bharoocha在旧金山的新闻发布会上说,互联网给她提供了一个平台与性骚扰作斗争,在#MeToo运动中发出女性的声音。
可是,电信行业团体和游说者警告说,新的法律将在联邦法院受到挑战,他们说,这个案件最终可能上诉到最高法院。USTelecom的总裁Jonathan Spalter说,“我们都支持对每一个美国人实行强有力的、可行的网络中立保护,不管他们居住在何处。但是,这项法规既达不到这一目的,也无助于推进加州的技术创新的前途和潜力。”
The Weinstein Company has little chance of surviving allegations of sexual assault and rape that have engulfed co-founder Harvey Weinstein even if it gets a new name, entertainment industry lawyers have warned. In a statement, the company said the allegations had“come as an utter surprise to the board. Any suggestion that the board had knowledge of this conduct is false. ”In a further statement issued after the New Yorker detailed allegations of rape, the TWC board said it was“shocked and dismayed”and“committed to assisting with our full energies in all criminal or other investigations of these alleged acts”.
Weinstein has now been accused by more than a dozen women of making unwanted sexual advances or of touching them sexually without their consent. He has said many of the details of those public accounts are inaccurate and he has denied accusations of criminal sexual harassment, rape and sexual assault.
Under US law, shareholders could argue that keeping a known serial harasser on the board was a breach of their fiduciary obligations to the company. Aside from questions of liability in connection to what the board did or did not know, the larger issue for the board is whether the scandal has permanently besmirched TWC's potential to be profitable.
The cost of the scandal has begun to emerge. Hours after defending Weinstein at film festival in South Korea, director Oliver Stone pasted a message on Facebook saying he would“recuse” himself from Showtime's Guantá namo series“as long as the Weinstein Company is involved”. Amazon Studios—now under its own sexual harassment storm with studio head Roy Price placed on leave of absence—is trying to buy out TWC's interest in two drama series. But the actor Rose McGowan, who has said Weinstein raped her in 1997, has criticized Amazon for being in business with TWC and called on chief executive Jeff Bezos to cut ties with the company.
According to TMZ, Weinstein's contract included a clause preventing his dismissal on harassment grounds so long as he paid the settlements and fines. The website also reported that he is planning to challenge his firing at a board meeting on Tuesday. A criminal case against Weinstein may be difficult to build but TWC could still be liable for civil lawsuits. That path, though,would also be far from straightforward. Under California law, the company could be liable. TWC's board could have reason to be anxious, especially given the high public profile of the situation.
1.The board of the TWC confirms that ________.
[A]Weinstern's harrassment is a criminal case
[B]it will do its best to help with the investigations
[C]Weinstein will be suspended during the investigation
[D]Weinstein's acts have hurt entertainment industry
2.What makes the TWC board worry most is ________.
[A]the truthfulness of these women's accusations
[B]the reaction Weinstein gave to the allegations
[C]the bad reputation Weinstein's case brings to TWC
[D]the ability of Weinstein to disprove his allegations
3.The author cites Oliver Stone as ________.
[A]strongly believing Weinstein is innocent
[B]proving TWC has been affected adversely
[C]showing strong disdain for sexual harassment
[D]lying about his knowledge of Weinstein's acts
4.Amazon Studio is under attack for ________.
[A]covering its deal with TWC
[B]part with TWC after the event
[C]hiring Bezos as chief executive
[D]continuing a deal with TWC
5.In spite of the current situation, TWC ________.
[A]will have difficulty dismissing Weinstein
[B]is planning to pay settlements to the victims
[C]is trying to get a civil case for Weinstein
[D]is still busy reaping profitable deals
1.allegation/ˈæli ˈɡ eiʃən/n.断言;辩解
2.assault/ə ˈsɔːlt/n.攻击,侵犯
4.engulf/in ˈɡʌlf/vt.使卷入漩涡;沉迷于
5.utter/ ˈʌtə/a.完全的,彻底的
6.dismay/dis ˈmei/vt.使灰心,使沮丧
7.consent/kən ˈsent/n.同意,赞同
8.accusation/ˈækju ˈzeiʃən/n.控告,指责
9.harassment/ ˈhærəsmənt/n.侵扰,骚扰
10.serial/ ˈsiəriəl/a.连续的,一连串的
12.obligation/ˈɔbli ˈɡ eiʃən/n.义务
13.aside from 除……外
14.liability/ˈlaiə ˈbiliti/n.责任,义务
15.scandal/ ˈskændl/n.丑闻
16.permanently/ ˈpəːmənəntli/ad.永久地
18.executive/iɡ ˈzekjutiv/n.高管,行政管理者
19.contract/ ˈkɔntrækt/n.契约,合同
21.settlement/ ˈsetlmənt/n.定居(点);解决;结算
22.liable/ ˈlaiəbl/a.有责任的;易于……的
23.lawsuit/ ˈlɔːsuːt/n.诉讼(案)
24.straightforward/streit ˈfɔːwəd/a.直截了当的;直率的
25.profile/ ˈprəufail/n.侧面轮廓;态度,心态;曝光率
1.fiduciary 受委托的
2.besmirch 弄脏;玷污
3.recuse 撤出,取消资格
1.Under US law, shareholders...the company.(第三段)
这句话实际上是说公司想把韦恩斯坦开除出董事会,但是还没有找到充分的理由。这里serial harasser指韦恩斯坦,因为有多名女性控告他多年来骚扰或强奸她们。另外,本句中fiduciary obligations指董事会因为受托于其他董事而对他们承担的义务。
2.Aside from questions...profitable.(第三段)
从句中aside from意为“除了……之外”, liability指“责任”;在主句中,the larger issue意为“更重要的问题”。这个句子的基本意思是:董事会除了有义务说清楚自己事先到底知道不知道韦恩斯坦的行为外,更重要的是考虑韦恩斯坦丑闻给公司的经营造成的不良影响。
3.Amazon Studios...drama series.(第四段)
句中,under its own sexual harassment storm是说亚马逊制片公司也深陷性骚扰丑闻,with studio head Roy Price placed on leave of absence是说亚马逊制片公司负责人Roy Price为了躲避指控被安排(placed)去度假,buy out通常指将股份、股权全部买下,以独占控制权,interest指股权。
4.According to TMZ...settlements and fines.(第五段)
本句中,TMZ是一家著名娱乐新闻网站;clause指合同中的条款;dismissal和下一句的firing都指“解雇”; on...grounds意为“基于……理由”; settlements这里指terms on which money or property is given to sb. ; money or property given in this way(金钱或财产的转让条件;转让的金钱或财产),即和解后支付的赔偿金。
丑闻的代价才刚刚开始呈现。在韩国电影节上为韦恩斯坦做出辩护后才几个小时,导演Oliver Stone在Facebook上发布信息,他说,只要有韦恩斯坦公司加入,他将退出娱乐时间(公司)的关塔那摩系列。亚马逊制片公司自己也陷入性骚扰风暴,其负责人Roy Price被安排去度假,亚马逊公司正在企图购买韦恩斯坦公司两个系列剧的股权。但是演员Rose McGowan(她说韦恩斯坦1997年强奸了她)批评亚马逊与韦恩斯坦公司做生意,要求主管Jeff Bezos与这个公司切断往来。
While US neighborhoods, as a whole, are safer than at any time in the past 25 years, many Americans remain convinced that crime is a growing problem. Part of people's outlook depends on where they are viewing from:Rural Americans are far more likely to believe the narrative of big crime in the big city. Urban residents, meanwhile, who see firsthand children riding their bikes and people walking dogs at night through formerly high-crime neighborhoods, are more likely to be aware of the gains.
Yet dig deeper and criminologists and political scientists suggest that rising crime is not top of mind for political strategists nor, necessarily, US police departments, the vast majority of which are seeing the positive impacts of data-driven policing strategies. And a large majority of Americans as a whole, at least by some measurements, feel relatively safe in their own surrounds.
Yet outsize crime fears clearly have had political impact in the US. Mr. Trump earlier this year noted correctly that“the murder rate in 2015 experienced its largest single-year increase in nearly half a century. ”His statement feed into a broader narrative of how the rise in inner-city murder rates in 2015 and 2016 were part of a longer-term trend that to some suggested America, in the Obama era, was indulging criminals while over-focusing on rogue cops and corrupt police departments.
At the same time, many Americans intrinsically understand that violence is being curtailed by a plethora of broader factors, says American University criminologist Joseph Young, who studies the consequences of political violence. “We have seen sustained economic growth and we've also seen a lot of inner cities invigorated and gentrified, which in turn has squeezed problems into other places, ”says Professor Young. Police, he notes, have also become far more adept in mapping Big Data to target high-crime zones in near real-time, which in turn leads to better community-relations as police pay more attention to what is driving local complaints.
That suggests to some that the fueling of fears about crime is politica.l In terms of the decline in crime so far this year, conservatives point out that gun crimes have declined in the US even as gun ownership and liberalized gun-carry laws have expanded. And others are quick to credit Trump's law-and-order rhetoric. But whether the Trump administration has really driven the agenda is a far different question, says Professor Woodard. In fact, Woodard says he is consulting for a Republican statewide campaign in South Carolina, and crime has not been a top strategy topic.
1.It is implied that the rural people believe in the rise of crime ________.
[A]because they seldom ride bikes in inner city zones
[B]because they have not seen evidence of crime decline
[C]because they are more likely to become victims
[D]because they live far away from crime ravaged areas
2.Which of the following think the world has become safer?
[B]Political scientists.
[C]Political strategists.
[D]Rural Americans.
3.It is implied that Trump's crime narrative ________.
[A]is made with political intentions
[B]has no factual basis to back it up
[C]actually encourages criminals
[D]over-emphasizes police's role
4.Professor Young agrees with police departments that ________.
[A]violence is caused by a wide range of factors
[B]corrupted police should be punished seriously
[C]economic growth lead to fewer cases of crime
[D]data-driven policing strategies work effectively
5.In South Carolina's campaign crime is not a strategic topic because ________.
[A]crime rate is not serious in the state
[B]there is stricter gun control law there
[C]Trump's policy works well in the state
[D]politicians are trying to avoid the topic
1.neighborhood/ ˈneibəhud/n.邻居;邻近区域
2.outlook/ ˈautluk/n.前景;观点,看法
3.narrative/ ˈnærətiv/n.叙述;记叙文;故事
4.resident/ ˈrezidənt/n.居民
5.formerly/ ˈfɔməli/ad.以前,从前
6.criminologist/ˈkrimi ˈnɔlədʒist/n.犯罪学家
7.majority/mə ˈdʒɔriti/n.多数,多半
8.outsize/ ˈautˈsaiz/a.特大的,特大号的
10.statement/ ˈsteitmənt/n.陈述,声明;叙说
11.feed into 提供,装入;助长
13.era/ ˈiərə/n.时代,年代
14.indulge/in ˈdʌldʒ/vt.沉迷,放纵;纵容
16.corrupt/kə ˈrʌpt/a.腐败的,堕落的
17.intrinsically/in ˈtrinsikəli/ad.本质上;内在地
18.curtail/kəː ˈteil/vt.缩短,缩减
19.sustain/səs ˈtein/vt.支撑,供养;使持续
20.invigorate/in ˈviɡəreit/vt.使精力充沛,使振奋
22.adept/ə ˈdept/a.老练的,熟练的
23.fuel/fj uəl/vt.加燃料;推动,助长
24.conservative/kən ˈsəːvətiv/n.保守派
25.liberalize/ ˈlibərəlaiz/vt.使自由化;放宽限制
26.rhetoric/ ˈretərik/n.修辞,花言巧语
27.agenda/ə ˈdʒendə/n.议事日程
28.campaign/kæm ˈpein/n.战役;运动;竞选
1.police 维持治安;管制
2.surround 周围
3.rogue 骗子,歹徒
4.plethora 过多,过剩
5.gentrify 使适合上层社会
1.Yet dig deeper and criminologists...strategies.(第二段)
本句前半句是一个祈使句,是后半句的条件,这里dig deeper意为“如果深究的话”。在后半句中,top of mind意为“关心的头等大事”; positive impacts指数据驱动的治安方法使社会变得更安全,“数据驱动”这里指利用数据管理社区的治安。
2.His statement feed into...departments.(第三段)
本句的主干结构是His statement feed into a broader narrative..., of后面都是介词of的宾语。在这个宾语中that引导定语从句,修饰trend;在这个定语从句中,to some指对某些美国人来说(或:在某些美国人看来), suggested是谓语,America...departments是它的宾语从句。
3.In terms of the decline...have expanded.(第五段)
本句中In terms of意为“就……而言”; conservatives在美国通常指共和党人;liberalized意为“放宽限制”; gun ownership and liberalized gun-carry laws have expanded指持枪者增多,持枪法更宽松。
研究政治暴力后果的美国大学犯罪学家Joseph Young指出,同时,许多美国人内心里明白,暴力行为正在由于多种更广泛的因素而减少。Young教授说,“我们看到持续的经济增长,我们也看到许多市中心恢复了活力,中产阶级重新居住其中,这反过来将犯罪问题挤到其他地方”。他指出,在利用大数据几乎实时锁定高犯罪率区域方面,警察也比以前变得娴熟得多,随着警察更关注驱使当地人抱怨的原因,这反过来会使社区关系变得更好。
Today, autonomous cars are becoming more common, but safety is still a question.That's despite the best efforts of government regulators, car manufacturers and human drivers alike. Early statistics from autonomous driving suggest that widespread automation could drive the death toll down significantly.
Google cars, Uber self-driving cars, autonomous taxis in Singapore, Tesla's autonomous mode and even self-driving freight trucks are already on the road.Despite one fatal crash—of a Tesla on autopilot—autonomous vehicles are still safer than a normal human driver.Nevertheless,that crash attracted a lot of media attention.Among the roughly 100 deaths a day on U. S.roads,this one stood out because people wondered:If the driver was not relying on the autonomous software, what would have happened? What might the human have done differently?
That specific fatal crash was actually fairly straightforward:The car didn't see a truck in front of it and drove into it.But when people think about accidents, they often worry about having to make moral choices in an instant.Philosophers call this the“trolley problem, ”after a hypothetical example in which a trolley is hurtling down a track toward some people who cannot get out of the way in time.You have the option to switch the trolley onto a different track, where it will hit some other people.
There are an infinite number of variations on the problem, created by specifying the numbers and types of people, replacing them with animals, sending the trolley into a wall where its passengers die, and more.Would you, for example, save five children and let a senior citizen die?What about saving a dog versus killing a criminal? You can try out many of these variations—and make new ones—online in a fascinating“Moral Machine”game from which MIT researchers are gathering information on what decisions people make.They hope to find at least some human moral consensus, which can then inform autonomous vehicles and other intelligent machines.
The crux of the problem is whether you choose to switch the trolley or not.In one case, you make an active decision to intervene, deciding to save—and kill—certain groups.In the other,you choose not to act, effectively letting fate take its course.People who use the Moral Machine can see how their results compare to everyone else's.So far the outcomes suggest that people intervene to save younger, fitter people with higher perceived social values(doctors over criminals,for example).The Moral Machine's creators and other researchers found that society as a whole has a strong preference for choosing to save more people.
1.At present, autonomous driving ________.
[A]causes serious hazards
[B]turns out to be safer
[C]annoys the human drivers
[D]is supported by government
2.It can be inferred that the Tesla accident attracted attention because ________.
[A]there were too many casualties involved in it
[B]it cast doubt on the safety of autonomous driving
[C]the human driver did nothing to stop the car
[D]the vehicle was equipped with the wrong software
3.Philosophers coin the“trolley problem”to ________.
[A]compare a trolley with an autonomous car
[B]compare different choices to different tracks
[C]figure out the answer to a moral problem
[D]train drivers to make choices in an instant
4.The ultimate purpose of the Moral Machine is to ________.
[A]attract veteran online game players to the research
[B]collect information about autonomous driving
[C]find out how different groups of people are treated
[D]program intelligent machines with moral compass
5.The text is written to answer the question“________ ”
[A]Can self-driving cars be morally programmed?
[B]Is autonomous driving safer than human driving?
[C]What human drivers do to avoid fatal accidents?
[D]Do people prefer self-driving cars to traditional ones?
1.autonomous/ɔː ˈtɔnəməs/a.自动驾驶的;自主的
2.regulator/ ˈreɡ juleitə/n.(法规)管理机构,调节者
3.manufacturer/ˈmænju ˈfæktʃərə/n.制造商
4.statistics/stə ˈtistiks/n.统计数字;统计学
5.automation/ɔːtə ˈmeiʃən/n.自动化
7.fatal/ ˈfeitl/a.致命的
8.vehicle/ ˈviːikl/n.车辆;工具,手段
9.nevertheless/ˈnevəðə ˈles/conj.然后,还是
10.roughly/ ˈrʌfli/ad.大体上,大约
11.specific/spə ˈsifik/a.具体的,特定的
12.straightforward/streit ˈfɔːwəd/a.直接的,简单明了的
13.instant/ ˈinstənt/n.瞬间,瞬时
14.philosopher/fi ˈlɔsəfə/n.哲学家
15.hypothetical/ˈhaipə ˈθetikl/a.假设的,假定的
16.option/ ˈɔpʃən/n.选择(机会、权等)
17.variation/ˈvɛəri ˈeiʃən/n.变化,变体
18.specify/ ˈspesifai/vt.具体规定;具体说明
19.versus/ ˈvəːsəs/prep.对,对抗;之于
20.fascinate/ ˈfæsineit/vt.迷住,吸引
21.consensus/kən ˈsensəs/n.共识,一致意见
23.intervene/ˈintə ˈviːn/vi.干涉,干预
25.take one course 按自然过程去办事
26.outcome/ ˈautkʌm/n.结果,后果
1.autopilot 自动巡航
2.trolley 有轨电车
3.hurtle 猛撞
So far the outcomes suggest...for example).(第五段)
词组so far意为“迄今为止”, fitter来自于fit(健康的), perceived value指在别人看来有价值,over指优先于,即不喜欢或不选择。
Compared with marriage, divorce in our society is relatively recent.American states began passing laws that made divorce legal in the late eighteenth century.Before then, spouses who wanted to live apart could get a legal order for financial support, but neither spouse could remarry.Divorce rates rose in the Victorian era, as the conception of marriage shifted from a primarily economic and social arrangement to a bond of intimacy, emotional sustenance, and love.The more romantic the idea of marriage became—and the more it was tied to the new expectation of personal fulfillment—the more important divorce was.
That once would not have been enough.Until the nineteen-seventies, courts could grant a divorce only if one spouse could prove that the other was at fault, the common fault grounds being adultery, cruelty, and abandonment.If one of these grounds could not be proved, or if both spouses were found to be at fault, then the unhappy couple was forced to stay married.This state of affairs became unmanageable as courts found themselves winking and nodding at couples who conspired to pretend one spouse was at fault, or who engaged private investigators to produce proof of adultery.The no-fault-divorce revolution eventually made grounds of“irreconcilable differences”or“irretrievable breakdown”available in every state.It has been a mere six years since New York, where“Divorce”is set, began allowing no-fault divorce.
In any event, divorce with children guarantees that the split cannot be tantamount to a mere breakup of a relationship.Vows to keep the children above the dispute often transformed into finger-pointing about who is failing to do that.Structurally, though, even with extraordinary efforts, there is little chance of children not being“pawns”in a divorce.Financial transfers, in the form of support payments, and the distribution of assets, such as the family home, are often related to which parent will have greater responsibility for care of the children.Typically, questions about custody and finances are resolved together, not by a judge but in a negotiated agreement by the divorcing parties, with or without lawyers.In a classic article on divorce negotiation from 1979, “Bargaining in the Shadow of the Law, ”Robert H.Mnookin and Lewis Kornhauser wrote that custody and money are“inextricably linked, ”because“a parent may trade custodial rights for money.”
How a couple lived in their marriage becomes the material with which legal divorce claims are constructed.Whether we are consciously aware of it, we spend our married lives under the shadow of divorce.
1.In the Victoria era, how important divorce was depended largely upon ________.
[A]how large the financial compensation was
[B]whether it was economically or socially arranged
[C]what kind of role it played between spouses
[D]what spouses expect of their emotional life
2.Before the no-fault-divorce revolution, unhappy couples ________.
[A]had no other choice but to stay in marriage
[B]could divorce if they failed to manage the family
[C]sometimes cheated the court to get divorced
[D]could divorce with neither of them being at fault
3.Among the reasons for no-fault divorce is that ________.
[A]the spouses have different opinions about life
[B]the spouses have fallen irreparably apart
[C]one the spouses is found to engage in adultery
[D]one spouse violates the privacy of the other
4.The word“tantamount”(Para.4)probably means .
5.Mnookin and Kornhauser imply that the parent who gets the custodial right ________.
[A]acquires a larger part of the family possessions
[B]has more say in the divorce negotiation
[C]has greater responsibility for the child care
[D]usually gets stronger support from the court
1.divorce/di ˈvɔːs/n.离婚;分离
3.era/ ˈiərə/n.时代,年代
4.conception/kən ˈsepʃən/n.概念,构想;认识
6.intimacy/ ˈintiməsi/n.亲近,亲密;熟知
7.sustenance/ ˈsʌstinəns/n.维持
8.fulfillment/ful ˈfilmənt/n.完成,实现;成就,满足
9.grant/ɡ raːnt/vt.准予,授予
10.adultery/ə ˈdʌltəri/n.通奸
11.abandonment/ə ˈbændənmənt/n.放弃,遗弃
13.conspire/kən ˈspaiə/vt.阴谋策划
14.investigator/in ˈvestigeitə/n.调查员,侦探
15.eventually/i ˈventʃuəli/ad.最后,终究
16.irreconcilable/i ˈrekənsailəbl/a.不能调和的,不能和解的
17.irretrievable/ˈir ˈi trːi vəbl/a.不能弥补的,不可恢复的
18.in any event 在任何情况下,无论如何
19.guarantee/ˈɡ ærən ˈtiː/vt.保证,担保
20.tantamount/ ˈtæntəmaunt/a.等值的,同等的
22.dispute/dis ˈpjuːt/n.争论,争执
23.extraordinary/iks ˈtrɔːdinəri/a.不同寻常的,非凡的
25.transfer/træns ˈfəː/n.转移;调动
26.distribution/ˈdistri ˈbjuːʃən/n.分配,分发
27.asset/ ˈæset/n.财产,财富
28.custody/ ˈkʌstədi/n.监护(权);拘留
29.resolve/ri ˈzɔlv/vt.解决,决定,决心;溶解
30.negotiate/n ˈiɡəuʃieit/vt.议定,商谈
31.agreement/ə ˈɡ riːmənt/n.一致,同意;协约
32.bargain/ ˈbaːɡ in/vi.商定;讨价还价
33.inextricably/ˈinik ˈstrikəbli/ad.紧密地,复杂地
34.shadow/ ˈʃædəu/n.阴影
1.Vows to keep the children...do that.(第三段)
词组keep...above the dispute指不让(孩子)卷入夫妻在离婚过程中的各种纷争,finger-pointing指夫妻互相指责对方,do that指不让孩子卷入纷争。本句的意思是说,夫妻双方都希望孩子不要卷入他们的纷争,但最终孩子被卷入,为此夫妻互相指责。
2.Financial transfers...care of the children.(第三段)
本句的主干结构是Financial transfers...are often related to...,其中support payment指赡养费,distribution of assets指家庭财产的分配,family home指家里的住房。
3.How a couple lived...constructed.(第四段)
无论如何,有孩子的家庭离异肯定说明,分离不仅仅等于一个关系的破裂。宣誓不让孩子卷入纷争经常变成相互指责到底谁违背了誓言。可是从结构上看,即使竭尽全力,孩子在离婚过程中不成为“牺牲品”的可能也是微乎其微。经济上的分割,比如赡养费、财产分配(如家庭住房),经常与夫妻双方谁对孩子负更大责任有关。通常,涉及监护权和经济的问题夫妻共同解决,不是让法官判定,而是离异双方协商解决,有时借助律师,有时则不需要。在1979年有关离异协商协议的经典文章“在法律的阴影中商谈”一文中,Robert H.Mnookin和Lewis Kornhauser写道,监护和钱财是“错综复杂地联系在一起的”,因为“一个家长可能用监护权换取金钱”。
If the government brings an antitrust lawsuit against Google, then Google as we know it is dead.
Leave aside for the moment whether Google deserves to be sued, or whether the government ends up winning any kind of concessions from the Internet search giant.The point is, the suit itself will be devastating to Google's business.Just the distraction that this kind of case creates can impede even the most successful, well-run company.The endless investigations, the court hearings, etc., all of them will be a nightmare.
If you think Google is too powerful, you only need to look back to Microsoft around 1998 to see what happens.That year, the Department of Justice filed an antitrust lawsuit against the software giant, and brought in renowned attorney David Boies to make its case that Microsoft had abused its monopoly power in the personal-computer market.The case dragged on for years and ended with relatively toothless settlement terms, but by then the damage was done.Microsoft had become timid, slow, afraid to compete.The distraction of fighting the court battle caused Microsoft to lose focus.By 2004, when the dust finally settled, the world had moved on, and Microsoft had missed all the big trends:Internet search went to Google; online music and media went to Apple; and social networking was just being invented by Facebook.
So on what basis will the FTC go after Google? In a nutshell, the government will argue that Google controls two thirds of U. S.Internet searches, and that hurts its competitors.Antitrust cases are notoriously tricky to prove, and could be especially so in this case.Simply establishing that a company holds a monopoly in a particular market can be difficult, especially in the dynamic,fast-changing world of the Internet, where even defining the market is a challenge, let alone establishing that a company holds a monopoly in one.But even if the government can do that, it's not enough.The government must also prove that Google abused its monopoly power.
Google will argue that it has no monopoly, that its market share is momentary because at any time users can switch to rival search engines.But none of it matters anyway.The scary thing, if you're Google, is simply having to deal with the annoyance and distraction of a major government lawsuit.In fact, this investigation and the possible litigation could not come at a worse time. Google's core business—Internet search—right now is facing huge challenges to its very existence from its competitors, and can ill afford any kind of distraction.
1.The antitrust suit against Google can deal a deadly blow on it because ________.
[A]the suit will involve considerable amount of legal expenses
[B]Google will be distracted from managing its business
[C]the lawyer hired by the Commission is an eloquent one
[D]the Commission usually claims large amounts of compensation
2.The example of Microsoft is used to make the point that ________.
[A]lawsuits against business giants have a long history
[B]powerful lawyers are usually hired in antitrust lawsuits
[C]antitrust lawsuits often leave companies less competitive
[D]hardly any legal settlement is reached in antitrust lawsuits
3.It would be difficult to determine whether a company monopolizes a market because ________.
[A]holding a constant Internet market share is difficult in itself
[B]no one company can hold a monopoly of the Internet market
[C]simply holding a monopoly does not harm the Internet market
[D]a monopoly that harms no competitors is not a real one
4.The lawsuit against Google comes at a bad time because ________.
[A]rival companies are threatening to overthrow its monopoly status
[B]search businesses like Bing pose serious threat to its core business
[C]whether it holds monopoly or not in the market doesn't matter any longer
[D]the very existence of Google has been challenged by its competitors
5.The author comes to the conclusion that ________.
[A]the Commission will not win the lawsuit
[B]Google's rivals are actually behind the lawsuit
[C]the lawsuit against Google is not fair
[D]the lawsuit could bring down Google
1.antitrust/ˈænti ˈtrʌst/a.反托拉斯的,反垄断的
2.lawsuit/ ˈlɔːsuːt/n.诉讼
3.deserve/di ˈzəːv/vt.应得,应受
5.concession/kən ˈseʃən/n.让步,妥协;承认
6.suit/suːt/n.(= lawsuit)诉讼
7.devastate/ ˈdevəsteit/vt.毁灭,使荒废
8.distraction/dis ˈtrækʃən/n.分心,精力涣散
9.impede/im ˈpiːd/vt.妨碍,阻碍,阻止
10.hearing/ ˈhiəriŋ/n.听觉;听证会
11.nightmare/ ˈnaitmɛə/n.噩梦
12.justice/ ˈdʒʌstis/n.正义,正当;司法,审判
14.renowned/ri ˈnaund/a.著名的
15.attorney/ə ˈtəːni/n.律师
16.abuse/ə ˈbjuːs/n.滥用;虐待;辱骂
17.monopoly/mə ˈnɔpəli/n.垄断
18.drag on 拖延,拖得很长
19.settlement/ ˈsetlmənt/n.决定;定居(点);解决
20.timid/ ˈtimid/a.胆小的
21.go after 追踪,追赶;试图获得
22.in a nutshell 简言之
23.notoriously/nəu ˈtɔriəsli/ad.声名狼藉地
24.tricky/ ˈtriki/a.不易处理的
25.dynamic/dai ˈnæmik/a.动态的
26.rival/ ˈraivəl/n.竞争者,对手
27.annoyance/ə ˈnɔiəns/n.烦恼,扰乱
28.litigation/ˈliti ˈɡ eiʃən/n.诉讼,起诉
1.That year, the Department...market.(第三段)
本句中,filed和brought是并列的两个谓语动词,that引导的从句是case的同位语,说明案件的具体内容。词组bring in意为“找来,招来”, make one's case意为“提出有力证据,提起诉讼”。
2.In fact, this investigation...worse time.(第五段)
3.Google's core business...distraction.(第五段)
本句中,very用于强调existence,词组challenge to its very existence可以译成“连其生存都受到挑战”; ill是副词,修饰动词,是well的反义词。
如果你觉得谷歌很强大,那么只需回头看看1998年前后的微软公司,就能明白会发生什么样的事情。那年,司法部对这一软件行业巨头提起反垄断诉讼,他们请来了著名的律师David Boies,起诉微软公司滥用其在个人电脑市场的垄断力量。这案子一拖就是好几年,最终只达成了约束力相对偏弱的协议条款,但截至那时,伤害已经造成。微软变得畏首畏尾、行动迟缓、惧怕竞争。打官司所带来的干扰让微软失去了工作焦点。这场诉讼直到2004年才最终尘埃落定,到那时世界已经进步了,微软错失了所有的时代大潮:互联网搜索业务被谷歌占领,在线音乐和媒体服务被苹果控制,而网络社交正在由脸谱网首立。
Having earlier been a cultural importer—consequently a pirate—by the late nineteenth century, America began exporting her works.Uncle Tom's Cabin, the international blockbuster of 1852, had British sales thrice the American.But without international copyright, Harriet Beecher Stowe and her American publisher reaped no benefit.By the turn of the century, with the first swells of the American cultural tsunami soon to wash over the world, the U. S.cultural industries, especially Hollywood, increasingly strove for effective protection of global copyright.They pushed for American membership of the international treaties, for stronger protection and for stricter enforcement.
With Hollywood and the other content exporters firmly behind long and strong protection during the twentieth century, why might the tide now turn in our own day? In the 1800s, those opposed to copyright and concerned instead to ease the audience's access were joined by those publishers who specialized in reprinting foreign works.Only as America developed its own exportable content and became culturally self-sufficient, did the disseminators' economic interests shift in unison to support copyright.
But today fault lines have opened up once again within the disseminating industries that promise open access activists a firmer foothold than just their idealistic concern for the public domain. Civil war has broken out in California.Hollywood's content producers have been challenged by Silicon Valley.For the Bay Area's high tech industries, freely available content is what lures consumers to buy their devices and services.
History also suggests a more immediate example of what the ongoing copyright wars might bring.When sound recording techniques first arrived in the late nineteenth century, the law protected only sheet music, as the sole way of indirectly reproducing music.The new technologies could therefore reproduce content as they pleased.Composers and their publishers were incensed.But by the time legislators passed laws, in the early twentieth century, the recording industry and its audience was too big to be ignored.
Composers and publishers received some rights:a royalty set by statute for each recording. But once they had permitted a piece to be recorded, they could no longer prevent anyone else from doing so too.Though compensated for their property, at rates determined in law, they lost most other control.If sheet music was not inviolable property in 1909, why should digital recordings be so today? At the least, copyright is unlikely to continue expanding endlessly in length and strength.Today's open access activists stand in a venerable tradition of rejecting excessive protection for rights owners.For once they stand a chance of prevailing.
1.America began to call for more copyright protection when ________.
[A]it turned into a powerful cultural exporter
[B]it lost much benefit for cultural products
[C]international copyright treaty became popular
[D]Hollywood films became popular over the world
2.Today there appears a trend that ________.
[A]makes content exporters more powerful
[B]contradicts the call for stronger protection
[C]makes America culturally self-sufficient
[D]unites all exporters in copyright protection
3.The“fault lines”mainly refer to ________.
[A]the defects inherent in today's electronic material
[B]the unrealistic appeals of the open access activists
[C]consumers' lust for freely shared cultural content
[D]the challenges to copyright by high tech companies
4.The development of recorded music illustrates that ________.
[A]sheet music cannot help to popularize a work of art
[B]laws against piracy can never be idealistically enforced
[C]new technology often challenges copyright protection
[D]the audience is strongly against copyright protection
5.The author seems to be supportive of ________.
[A]composers and publishers
[B]copyright owners
[C]open access advocates
[D]high tech companies
1.pirate/ ˈpaiərit/n.海盗;剽窃者 vt.劫掠;剽窃
2.blockbuster/ ˈblɔk ˈbʌstə/n.大片
4.copyright/ ˈkɔpirait/n.版权
8.push for 推动,推进
9.specialize/ ˈspeʃəlaiz/vi.专门化,成为专家
10.fault line 断层,裂缝;薄弱点
11.disseminate/di ˈsemineit/vt.散播,传播
12.foothold/ ˈfutˈhəuld/n.立足点
13.idealistic/aiˈdiə ˈlistik/a.理想化的
14.domain/dəu ˈmein/n.领土;领域
15.lure/lj uə/vt.引诱,诱惑
16.composer/kɔm ˈpəuzə/n.作曲家,创作者
17.legislator/ ˈledʒisˈleitə/n.立法者
18.royalty/ ˈrɔiəlti/n.版税;皇族,高贵
19.statute/ ˈstætjuːt/n.法规,法令
20.compensate/ ˈkɔmpənseit/vi.补偿,赔偿
21.property/ ˈprɔpəti/n.财产;特点,特性
22.inviolable/in ˈvaiələbl/a.不可侵犯的
23.excessive/ik ˈsesiv/a.过度的,过量的
24.stand a chance 有机会
25.prevail/pri ˈveil/vi.胜出,占优势;盛行
1.tsunami 海啸
2.unison 一致,协和
3.incense 激怒
4.venerable 可尊敬的
1.By the turn of the century...global copyright.(第一段)
本句的主句是the U. S.cultural industries...stove for effective protection of global copyright。这里strive for意为“为……而奋斗(斗争)”。在with...the world这个独立结构短语中,swell, tsunami和wash都是用“潮水”来作比喻,可以译成“随着美国文化浪潮的第一波即将席卷世界”。
2.In the 1800s...foreign works.(第二段)
本句的主干结构是those...were joined by those,指两种人联合起来共同做某事。在主语部分,opposed to copyright和concerned...access都是过去分词短语,作定语修饰those,其中opposed经常用于被动语态,即be opposed to,表示“反对”;(be)concerned表示“关注,关心”。根据上下文,这里ease the audience's access指让听众或观众更容易地看到好莱坞电影,因为为这些电影申请版权保护就等于设立版权壁垒,使贫穷国家和穷人没钱购买这些电影,或导致电影价格过高。在表语部分,reprint foreign works实际上是指盗版,而不是简单地指“重印”。
3.But today fault lines...public domain.(第三段)
在主句中,所谓“断层已经打开”,是指本段提到的civil war,即在加利福尼亚州(好莱坞和硅谷均在该州)内部在版权保护上发生的冲突。定语从句that...domain修饰fault lines,而不是the disseminating industries(文化传播行业)。其中promise意为“给……以希望”,其后是双宾语,一个是open access activists,指反对过分保护版权的人,二是a firmer foothold,即“更坚实的立足点”;以than引导的比较级成分与firmer连用,而concern for the public domain这里指第二段提到的concerned to ease the audience's access,即关注受众的需要。