G visaG类签证(中)
Visas issued to those who transit through China.签发给过境中国人员的签证。
G-1 visaG-1签证(美)
Principal resident representative of recognized foreign government to international organ-ization,staff,or immediate family.公认的外国政府向国际组织派驻的主要居留代表、工作人员或直系亲属签证。
G-2 visaG-2签证(美)
Other representative of recognized foreign member government to international organi-zation,or immediate family.公认的外国成员国政府向国际组织派驻的其他代表或直系亲属的签证。
G-3 visaG-3签证(美)
Representative of non-recognized nonmember foreign government to international organi-zation,or immediate family.未被承认的非成员国外国政府向国际组织派驻的代表或直系亲属的签证。
G-4 visaG-4签证(美)
International organization officer or employee,or immediate family.国际组织官员或雇员或直系亲属签证。
G-5 visaG-5签证(美)
Attendant,servant,or personal employee of G-1 through G-4 or immediate family.G-1、G-4 的随从、佣人或私人雇员或直系亲属签证。
The database of biometric templates of persons previously enrolled,which may be searched to find a probe.可用来查找探测模板的,以前登录的个人生物特征模板数据库。
Gangmasters Licensing Authority雇主许可机构(英)
The Gangmasters Licensing Authority(GLA)regulates those who supply labour or use workers to provide services in agriculture,forestry,horticulture,shellfish gathering and food processing and packaging.旨在管理那些在农业、林业、园艺、水产业以及食品加工与包装业提供劳动力或雇佣工人的雇主们的机构。
A gang is a group of recurrently associating individuals who share a common identity. It can refer to a group of young people who spend time together, or who are often involved in crime or drugs or who often fight against other groups. 具有共同特征的个体结交组成的团伙。帮派可指在一起消磨时间,或者经常参与犯罪或涉毒的或打架斗殴的一群年轻人。相关词语snakehead(蛇头),smuggler(偷运者)
gap year休假学年
A period of up to 12 months between leaving secondary education(usually school)and starting tertiary education(university /degree level course).指中等教育(通常指学校)结束后但未开始高等教育(大学/学位水平课程)之前的期限,最长可达12个月。
Gateway Protection Programme途径保护计划(英)
The Gateway Protection Programme is funded by the Home Office,in partnership with the UNHCR.It aims to tackle the problem of resettling particularly vulnerable refugees,many of whom have spent years living in refugee camps in some of the world's poorest countries.该计划由内政部出资,与联合国难民事务高级专员办事处协办。旨在解决易受害难民重新定居的问题,其中多数难民已在世界最贫穷国家的难民营生活多年。
A gazette is a public journal,a newspaper of record,in which acts of State,state appointments,notices of bankruptcy,and other legal matters are reported.指公共杂志、报纸,是一国政府机关报,负责刊载政府行动、政府任命、 破产通知以及其他法律事项。
Every order made under subsection(1)shall,unless otherwise expressed therein,come into force on the date of the making thereof,and shall be published in the Gazette.若无其他说明,第(1)款制定的每条规定在制定当日立即生效,且要在政府公报上公布。(新加坡1959年移民法2008年修订本第9(4)条)
Any special direction made under subsection(2)(a)or(b)—
must be published in the Gazette,and notified in writing through diplomatic channels to any country concerned:
(b)expires at the end of the period of 3 months(or such shorter period as is specified in the direction)following the day on which the direction was made,unless sooner cancelled by the Minister by a further special direction,or by regulations:
(c)is to be treated for the purposes of the Regulations(Disallowance)Act 1989(but not for the purposes of the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989)as if it were a regulation within the meaning of that Act.
Refers to the set of roles,responsibilities,constraints,opportunities,and privileges of women and men in any context.Those attributes are learned and socially constructed,changeable over time and can vary within and between cultures.The concept of gender is relational and refers not simply to women or men but to the relationship between them.指任何背景下,男女性的角色、责任、约束、机会及特权。随着时间的流逝,人们学会了这些特点并进行社会构建,这些特点在不同文化内及文化间发生变化。性别之概念为相关的并不单指女性或男性而是指男女性之间的关系。
Each State Party shall take into account,in applying the provisions of this article,the age,gender and special needs of victims of trafficking in persons,in particular the special needs of children,including appropriate housing,education and care.各缔约国在执行本条规定时,均应考虑到人口贩运活动被害人的年龄、性别和特殊需要,特别是儿童的特殊需要,其中包括适当的住房、教育和照料。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书附件二第6.4条)
The Kyrgyz Republic shall provide all refugees with equal legal status without discrimination as to race,gender,religion or country of origin.吉尔吉斯斯坦共和国对所有难民不论种族、性别、宗教还是来源国都无歧视,赋予所有难民平等的法律地位。(吉尔吉斯斯坦难民法序言部分)
gender based violence基于性别的暴力
Any act that results in,or is likely to result in,physical,sexual or psychological harm or suffering to a person due to his or her gender,including threats of such acts,coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty,whether occurring in public or in private life.导致或可能导致身体伤害、性伤害或心理伤害的任何行为或因其性别,忍受某人,包括此种性行为的威胁、胁迫或任意剥夺自由,无论是在公共生活抑或私人生活中。(同时见《1993年消除对妇女暴力的声明》第1条。)相关词语 violence against women(针对妇女的暴力)
gender identity性别身份
An outcome of the circumstances in which women and men live,including economic,cultural,historical,ideological,and religious factors.妇女与男人所处不同环境的结果,包括经济、文化、历史、意识形态及宗教等方面。
gender related persecution性别有关的迫害
This term does not have a final definition yet.It includes a lot of different circumstances like genital mutilation,forced abortion and forced marriages.It embraces circumstances that only affect women as well as gender specific violations of human rights,e.g.indecent assaults.该术语没有最终定义。它包括不同的情况,如外阴割除、强迫堕胎、强迫婚姻等。它只包括对妇女以及人权性别的特殊侵犯影响的情况,例如:非礼。
gender relations性别关系
The relationship between women and men that varies according to the economic and social conditions of the society and differs between social and ethnic groups.指女人与男人的关系,根据经济、社会条件的不同发生变化,在不同的社会与民族间有所差异。
General Agreement on Trade in Services(GATS)《服务贸易总协定》
A multilateral framework for the trade in services that applies to all 148 members of the World Trade Organization(WTO)and that was developed in the 1986~1994 Uruguay round of trade negotiations.适用世贸组织148个成员并于1986~1994年乌拉圭贸易谈判形成的贸易服务多边框架。
In providing for the regulation of admission of foreigners to,their residence in,and their departure from the Republic and for matters connected therewith,the Immigration Act aims at setting in place a new system of immigration control which ensures that—(d)the needs and aspirations of the age of globalization are respected and the provisions and the spirit of the General Agreement on Trade in Services is complied with.在制定关于外国人入境、居留以及离开共和国及相关事务的法规时,本移民法旨在建立新的移民控制体系,以确保——(d)尊重全球化时代的需求和渴求,遵守《服务贸易总协定》的精神。(南非2002年移民法“序言”部分)
general amnesty immigrant移民大赦(美)
The “general amnesty” provision of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986(IRCA)allowed immigrants who had resided unlawfully in the United States since before January 1,1982,to legalize their immigration status.A person who became a lawful permanent resident via the IRCA's “general amnesty ” provision can be called a general amnesty immigrant.These immigrants are also referred to as “section 245A” immigrants(the section of the Immigration And Nationality Act containing the general amnesty provision).《1986年移民改革与控制法》“大赦”条款允许自1982年1月1日前在美国非法居留的移民取得合法移民身份。通过1986年移民改革与控制法大赦条款成为永久居民的人员被称为大赦移民。此类移民也指“第245A条”移民(指《移民与国籍法》中包括大赦规定的条款)。
general aviation专用航空(航班飞行以外的民航飞行)
This is the term used for all plane and helicopter flights except those operated by major airlines and the armed forces.It includes business aviation and executive charter.该术语指除由主要航空公司及武装部队外的所有飞机及直升机航班。包括商务航空及行政包机。
general preconditions for the granting of a residence title授予居住身份的一般前提条件
In migration context,a foreign national living in another country can be granted residence title(permit)if he/she meet a certain condition of that country,such as there is no record of crime,one who is not a deported person and so on.移徙背景下,居住在他国的外国国民在满足一定的居留国条件后,可以被授予居留身份(许可),如无犯罪记录、不是受驱逐的人等。
The granting of a residence permit shall generally presuppose
1.that the foreigner's livelihood is secure,
1a.that the foreigner's identity is established,and also their nationality,if they are not entitled to return to another state,
2.that no grounds for expulsion apply,
3.insofar as the foreigner has no entitlement to a residence title,that the foreigner's residence does not compromise or jeopardize the interests of the Federal Republic of Germany for any other reason and
4.that the passport obligation pursuant to Section 3 is met.
general principles of international law国际法一般原则
Source of international law consisting of principles common to different national legal systems that have been transposed into the international legal order.国际法渊源包括不同国别法律体系的共同原则,该原则已置换到国际法律规程中。相关词语customary law(习惯法), international(国际的),international law(public)(国际法(公法))
The quality of being general or widespread or having general applicability.具有一般或广泛的或适用性的特质。
Without limiting the generality of subsection(2)of this section,no New Zealand citizen requires a permit under this Act to be in New Zealand,or to undertake employment in New Zealand or within the exclusive economic zone of New Zealand,or to undertake a course of study or training in New Zealand,and no such citizen is liable under this Act to removal or deportation from New Zealand in any circumstances.在不限制本条第(2)款规定的一般性的情况下,依照本法,新西兰公民在新西兰居留、就业或在新西兰专属经济区内就业,或在新西兰从事课程学习或培训,不需要许可证,并依照本法,任何情况下不得对此类公民驱逐或递解出境。(新西兰1987年移民法第3(3)条)
Without prejudice to the generality of subse-ction(1),the regulations may make provision for —
(a)the additional powers and duties of immigration officers;
(b)the steps to be taken to prevent the entry of prohibited immigrants into Zambia and to facilitate the tracing and identification of illegal immigrants,in,and their removal from,Zambia.
Geneva Conference日内瓦会议
Several international or multinational confer-ences have been called the Geneva Confer-ence,because they were held in the city of Geneva,Switzerland.These conferences include:
(i)The Geneva Naval Conference(1927)to discuss naval arms limitation;
(ii)The Geneva Conference(1932)to discuss general arms limitation;
(iii)An international conference,Geneva Conference(1954),to restore peace in Indochina and Korea,April through July 1954;
(iv)A multinational conference,Geneva Conference(1955),to discuss European security,German reunification,disarmament,and cultural exchange.Leaders from the United States,the Soviet Union,the United Kingdom and France met in July 1955;
(v)A multinational conference,Geneva Conference(1958),to discuss nuclear weapons testing,involving the United Kingdom,the Soviet Union,and the United States,beginning in October of 1958;
(vi)A multinational conference,Geneva Conference(1973),to find a solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict;
(vii)Geneva Accord,a 2003 extra-govern-mental and therefore unofficial peace proposal meant to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Geneva Convention日内瓦公约
The convention relating to the status of refugees done at Geneva on 28 July 1951.The convention is supplemented by the New York Protocol of 31 January 1967.All Member States are party to the convention and the protocol.1951年7月28日在日内瓦签订的有关难民地位的公约。1967年1月31日的纽约议定书对该公约进行补充。所有会员国都为该公约及议定书的一方。
In this Order—
“Convention travel document” means a travel document issued in accordance with Article 28 of the Geneva Convention.
The Ministry of Administration and the Interior,through the National Refugee Office,can propose that Romania accept refugees that are in other states,who have been recognized according to the Geneva Convention.行政和内务部可通过国家难民办公室提议罗马尼亚接受在其他国家的、根据《日内瓦公约》被认定的难民。(罗马尼亚庇护法第3(5)条)
Any of the following acts committed with the intent to destroy,in whole or in part,a national,ethnic,racial or religious group,such as:killing members of the group;causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.指蓄意全部或局部消灭某一民族、人种、种族或宗教团体的下列任意行为,例如:杀害该团体的成员;致使该团体的成员在身体上或精神上遭受严重伤害;故意使该团体处于某种生活状况下,以毁灭其全部或局部的生命;强制施行办法,意图防止该团体内的生育;强迫转移该团体的儿童至另一团体。(1948年联合国防止及惩治灭绝种族罪公约第II条)
Provisions of this Law on the granting of refugee status shall not be applied if there is a reason to believe that an asylum seeker has committed a crime against peace,a war crime or a crime against humanity,also a crime of genocide within the meaning defined in international documents,which have been adopted to carry out measures against crimes of such type.如果有理由证明庇护寻求者有如下行为,则本法中关于授予难民身份的条款不适用:庇护寻求者犯有反和平罪,战争罪或反人类罪,以及国际文件中规定的种族屠杀罪。这些文件已经得到批准通过,并采取措施打击这些犯罪行为。(拉脱维亚庇护法第24(1)条)
For the purposes of this chapter—
No person shall be regarded as,or found to be,a person of good moral character who,during the period for which good moral character is required to be established is,or was—
(9)one who at any time has engaged in conduct described in section 1182(a)(3)(E)of this title(relating to assistance in Nazi persecution,participation in genocide,or commission of acts of torture or extrajudicial killings)or 1182(a)(2)(G)of this title(relating to severe violations of religious freedom).
genuine and stable marriage真实和稳定的婚姻
A marriage that a consular or immigration officer determines to be genuine,because it has been entered into with the intention of being maintained on a long term and exclusive basis,and to be stable because it is likely to endure.In many States,if officers are unable to determine whether the marriage was entered into with the intention of maintaining it on a long term and exclusive basis,there is a presumption that it is genuine,unless there is evidence to the contrary.领事和移民官员确定是真实的婚姻,因为进入此婚姻的意图在长期和专一的基础上予以维持,并因可能持久而变得稳定。在许多国家,如果官员无法确定婚姻是否是有意在长期和专一的基础上予以维持,就可认定婚姻是真实的,除非有相反的证据。
geographically disadvantaged States地理不利国
For the purposes of this Part,“geographically disadvantaged States” means coastal States,including States bordering enclosed or semi-enclosed seas,whose geographical situation makes them dependent upon the exploitation of the living resources of the exclusive economic zones of other States in the subregion or region for adequate supplies of fish for the nutritional purposes of their populations or parts thereof,and coastal States which can claim no exclusive economic zones of their own.本部分规定,“地理不利国”是指其地理条件使其依赖于发展同一分区域或区域的其他国家专属经济区内的生物资源,以供应足够的鱼类来满足其人民或部分人民的营养需要的沿海国,包括闭海或半闭海沿岸国在内,以及不能主张有自己的专属经济区的沿海国。(联合国海洋法公约第70条)
give effect to使生效
To implement;to validate.执行;使生效。
The Minister may,in order to give effect to a request for consent to transit,authorize a person in a State or entity who is inadmissible under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act to come into Canada at a place designated by the Minister and to go to and remain in a place in Canada so designated for the period specified by the Minister.为使过境请求生效, 部长可批准《移民与难民保护法》中不予入境的某国人员或实体在部长指定的地点入境加拿大,并在加拿大逗留部长规定的一段期间。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第252(1)条)
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Act,the Minister may make regulations to give effect to the Treaty or any Border Agreement to which Malta may be a party and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing,may make regulations in order to:(a)grant and regulate the right of any citizens of a Member State or their dependants to enter,remain and reside in,and leave Malta.尽管本法有其他规定,为使马耳他作为缔约国签署的条约或边境协议生效,部长可制定法规,且在不影响上述条款一般性的情况下,出于以下目的可制定法规:(a)授予并管理成员国公民及受抚养人入境、停留、居留和离开马耳他的权利。(马耳他1970年移民法2007年修订版第4A(1)(a)条)
given name名字
First name.名字。
The temporary residence permit shall contain the following information:surname,given name(in Russian and Latin letters),date and place of birth,sex,citizenship,the number and date of the decision to issue the permit,the period of validity,the executive authority that has issued the permit.临时居留许可证应包含以下信息:姓、名字(以俄文或拉丁文字母的形式)、出生日期和地点、性别、公民身份、许可证签发的序列号和日期,有效期及签发证件的行政机关。(外国人在俄罗斯合法地位法第6.7条)
More specifically,the following items of inform-ation may be stored in the register:
1.the basic personal data of the person concerned(surname,surname at birth,former surnames,given names,day and place of birth,sex,the fact that under Section 29 German citizenship may be lost,as well as the postal address at the date of the decision).
global approach to migration移徙整体方法
Global approach to migration brings together migration,external relations and development policy to address migration in an integrated,comprehensive and balanced way in partner-ship with third countries.It comprises the whole migration agenda,including legal and illegal migration,combating trafficking in human beings and smuggling of migrants,strengthening protection for refugees,enhancing migrant rights and harnessing the positive links that exist between migration and development.It is underscored by the fundamental principles of partnership,solidarity and shared responsi-bility and uses the concept of “migratory routes” to develop and implement policy.移徙整体方法是指将移徙、外部关系以及发展政策进行整合,与第三国以整体的、综合的、平衡的方式探讨移徙问题。该方法涉及移徙全部议事日程,包括合法及非法移徙、打击人口贩运及移民偷渡、加强对难民的保护、提高移民权利并利用移徙与发展间的积极纽带。该方法强调伙伴原则、团结一致以及担当共同责任的原则,并运用“移徙路径”概念来制定实施政策。
Global Environmental Change(GEC)全球环境变化
Global environmental change includes changes in the physical and biogeochemical environ-ment,either caused naturally or influenced by human activities such as deforestation,fossil fuel consumption,urbanization,land reclam-ation,agricultural intensification,freshwater extraction,fisheries over-exploitation and waste production.全球环境变化包括自然及生物化学环境,或自然引发的或由人类活动影响而造成的变化,如沙漠化、化石燃料消耗、程式化、土地开垦、农业精细化、淡水提取、渔业过度捕捞及废物产生。
global interoperability全球互用性
As for the documents,it refers to the capability of inspection systems(either manual or automated)in different States throughout the world to obtain and exchange data,to process data received from systems in other States,and to utilize that data in inspection operations in their respective States.Global interoperability is a major objective of the standardized specifications for placement of both eye readable and machine readable data in all e-Passport.就证件而言,指全世界不同国家的检查系统(人工或者自动)获得和交换数据,处理从其他国家的系统接收的数据,以及在各自国家运用该数据进行查验操作的能力。全球互用性是为在所有电子护照中加载视读和机读数据制定标准化规范的主要目标。
A process of interaction and integration among the people,corporations,and governments of different States;a process driven by interna-tional trade and investment and aided by information technology.This process has effects on the environment,culture,political systems,economic development and prosperity,and human well-being in societies.不同国家的人员、企业及政府间相互影响及一体化的进程;由国际贸易与投资以及信息技术驱动的过程。该过程对于全社会的环境、文化、政治制度、经济发展及繁荣以及人类的福祉有影响。
If the enemies of progress and human rights seek to exploit the openness and opportunities of globalization for their purposes,then we must exploit those very same factors to defend human rights and defeat the forces of crime,corruption and trafficking in human beings.如果进步和人权的敌人们利用全球化的开放和机遇达到自己的目的,那么我们也应当利用这些同样的因素来捍卫人权和挫败犯罪、腐败和人口贩运等等势力。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书“前言”部分)
GNIB card移民注册卡(英)
Immigration certificate of registration.移民注册证书的另一种称谓。
good character良好品性;品性良好
The quality that makes one worthy of becoming citizen of another country by way of migration,through respect for the laws and values of that country society and for the official process for becoming naturalized.通过移民成为他国公民应具备的对该国法律及价值观念的尊重并对归化正式过程的尊重体现出的品质。
The Secretary of State shall not grant an application for registration of an adult or young person as a citizen of any description or as a British subject under a provision listed in subsection(2)unless satisfied that the adult or young person is of good character.根据第(2)副款的规定,国务大臣不得授予成年人或年轻人作为任何描述中的公民或英国臣民的注册申请,除非该成年人或年轻人品性良好。(英国2006年移民、庇护与国籍法第58(1)条)
Any person who—
(a)before entering Zambia has been sentenced elsewhere than in Zambia to a term of imprisonment following that person's conviction of an offence;(b)in the opinion of the Director-General of Immigration is not of good character;and(c)has been convicted of an offence in Zambia.以下任何人不能入境赞比亚——
good faith诚信
A state of mind denoting honesty in belief or purpose,freedom from intention to defraud or to seek unconscionable advantage.表示信念和目标的诚实,没有欺诈或不寻求无良知的利益。相关词语 bona fide(真诚的、真正的)
The following rules apply to the Chairperson and the members in respect of the exercise or purported exercise of their functions under this Act:(a)no criminal or civil proceedings lie against them for anything done or omitted to be done in good faith.根据本法,就有关行使或打算行使其职责事项,下列规定适用于主席及成员:(a)不得对这些出于善意所做的任何事,或未作之事人员提起任何刑事或民事诉讼。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第156(a)条)
An employer shall make effort in good faith to ascertain that no illegal immigrant is employed by the employer or to ascertain the status or citizenship of those employed by the employer.雇主应诚心诚意地做出努力,确信自己没有雇佣非法移民,或者清楚所雇雇员的身份或国籍。(赞比亚2010年移民法第45(2)条)
good practice最佳实践
An innovative,interesting and inspiring practice that has the potential to be transferred in whole or in part to other national contexts.可全部或部分将潜能转移到其他国别背景中的创新、令人关注的、具有启发性的实践。
The guidelines also identify certain good practices,which appear to represent innovative and promising ways to reconcile a return policy with full respect for human rights.该指南还确认了某些最佳实践,这些最佳实践代表了在充分尊重人权方面调节遣返政策具有创新性、最具希望的方法。(意大利临时居住永久权利法附录3第2(a)条)
governance of migration移徙控制;移徙管理
System of institutions,legal frameworks,mechanisms and practices aimed at regulating migration and protecting migrants.Used almost synonymously with the term “migration management”,although migration management is also sometimes used to refer to the narrow act of regulating cross-border movement at the state level.旨在对移徙进行管理和移民保护的制度、法律框架、机制以及实践的体系。在国家层面上,尽管移徙管理(migration management)有时用来指对越境流动进行管理这一狭窄的行为,但与“移徙管理”为近义词。相关词语migration management(移徙管理),orderly migration(有序移徙)
governing body endorsement主管机构认可;管理机构背书(英)
A governing body endorsement is from an organisation that governs their particular sport which is recognised by the UK Border Agency.The endorsement confirms that the application is from a genuine(bona fide)sports club(or equivalent)or confirms the sportsperson at the appropriate level.该背书由管理特殊体育组织作出,该特殊体育被英国边境管理署认可。此种认可/背书确认该申请由真正体育俱乐部(相当于体育俱乐部组织)提出或对适当水平运动员的确认。
government lottery政府抽奖(美)
Official U.S.government program.The govern-ment green card lottery program was establi-shed under the Immigration and Nationality Act and was approved by the U.S.Congress.美国政府官方计划。政府绿卡抽奖计划根据《移民与国籍法》设置,并得到美国国会的批准。
gradual abolition of checks逐步取消检查(欧盟)
The Schengen Area is the area comprising 26 European countries that have abolished passport and any other type of border control at their common borders,also referred to as internal border.It functions as a single country for international travel purpose,with a common visa policy.Countries in the Schengen Area have eliminated internal border controls with other Schengen members,and strengthened external border controls with non-Schengen states.申根地区包括26个欧洲国家,这一地区已经在其共同边境废除了护照和其他边境检查,即所说的内部边境。就国际旅行而言,申根地区的职能作用是作为单一的国家,执行共同签证政策。在申根地区的国家废除了与其他申根成员国的内部边境检查,加强了与非申根国家的外部边境检查。
At the time of signing the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 between the Governments of the States of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the gradual abolition of checks at their common borders, the Contracting Parties have adopted the following declaration:
1. Joint declaration on Article 139
The Signatory States shall, prior to the entry into force of the convention, inform each other of all circumstances that could have a significant bearing on the areas covered by this convention and the bringing into force thereof. The convention shall not be brought into force until the preconditions for its implementation have been fulfilled in the Signatory States and checks at external borders are effective.
2. Joint declaration on Article 4
The contracting parties undertake to make every effort to comply simultaneously with this deadline and to preclude any shortcomings in security. Before 31 December 1992, the Executive Committee shall examine what progress has been made. The Kingdom of the Netherlands stresses that difficulties in meeting the deadline in a particular airport cannot be excluded but that this will not give rise to any shortcomings in security. The other contracting parties will take account of this situation although this may not be allowed to entail difficulties for the internal market. In the event of difficulties, the Executive Committee shall examine how best to achieve the simultaneous implementation of these measures at airports.
1. 关于第139条的联合声明
2. 关于第4条的联合声明
In this Act,the Schengen Convention means the Convention of 19 June 1990 implementing the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 on the gradual abolition of checks at their common borders as subsequently amended.在本法中,申根协议指1990年6月19日签署的执行1985年6月14日以及随后修订的关于逐步取消共同边境检查的协议。(丹麦外国人法第2a(1)条)
graduates of a medical school医学院毕业生
Students who major in medical science.指专业为医学的学生。
The term “graduates of a medical school” means aliens who have graduated from a medical school or who have qualified to practice medicine in a foreign state,other than such aliens who are of national or international renown in the field of medicine.表示毕业于医学院校或具备在某外国行医资格的外籍人,而不是在医学领域享有国内或国际声誉的外籍人。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第101(41)条)
To bestow or confer,especially by a formal act;to give or accord.赋予或授予,特别是通过正式行为;给予或授予。
Visa means an endorsement on a valid passport of a foreigner,which is confirmed by examination by an immigration officer at the port of entry,granting that person the authority to enter Zambia.签证指在外国人有效护照上的背书,在入境口岸由移民官员进行检查核实并准许该人入境赞比亚的权利。(赞比亚2010年移民法与驱逐法第2(1)条)
The foreign national shall not be granted permanent resident status if the foreign national does not meet the province's selection criteria.在外国人不符合省的选拔标准时,该外国人不应被授予永久居民身份。(加拿大移民与难民保护法第9(1)b条)
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Act,the Minister may make regulations to give effect to the Treaty or any Border Agreement to which Malta may be a party and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing,may make regulations in order to:(a)grant and regulate the right of any citizens of a Member State or their dependants to enter,remain and reside in,and leave Malta.
(b)grant and regulate the right of persons mentioned in the preceding paragraph to seek employment and work in Malta and to establish services and, or provide or receive such services in Malta;(c)grant and regulate the rights mentioned in the preceding paragraphs to any person and his dependants who, though not being a person mentioned in paragraph(a), is lawfully in the territory of any state which is bound by a Border Agreement.
green border绿色边境
Term used to describe a State's land border between checkpoints.A water border(river or coastline)might also be referred to as a “blue border”.用来描述一国检查站之间的陆地边境的术语。水上边境(河流或海岸线)也可被称作“蓝色边境”。相关词语 border(边境),checkpoints(检查站)
green card绿卡
A kind of residence permit which is granted to those immigrants who meet the requirement of migration of a country.The governments of Ireland,United States,the Federal Republic of Germany issue green card to the immigrants who satisfy the migration code of their countries.授予移民一种符合移民国移民要求的居留许可证。爱尔兰、美国以及德国政府将绿卡授给满足其移民规定人员。
Applications for granting or renewal of stay permits,except for stay cards of limited duration(green cards),pending on the entry into force of this law,shall be transmitted to the competent services according to this law.根据本法,除了有限期限的居留卡(绿卡)的申请外,申请授予或延续居留许可的申请在本法生效时都应提交到主管部门。(希腊2001年外国人入境、停留以及通过归化获得希腊国籍法及其他法律规定2003年修订第65.3条)
In this Act unless the context otherwise requires:Green Card means the resident card issued to Tibetans who opted to stay in the country.除非有其他背景要求,否则,在本法中:绿卡指签发给选择留在不丹的藏民的居留证。(不丹2007年移民法第149(g)条)
green card holder绿卡持有人(美)
Green card holder means a lawful permanent resident.指合法永久居民。
green channel绿色通道
Exit for travelers who do not have any goods requiring a customs declaration.为不需要报关的旅客开通的通道。
green paper绿皮书
A consultation document produced by a government department when it is considering introducing a new law.The document allows the public to debate the proposals and comment on them.政府部门在考虑推出一项新的法律时制订的咨询文件。该文件允许公众讨论这些建议并对其进行评论。
Grotius II-criminal格罗提斯II—刑事(欧盟)
A European Commission programme designed to develop training,exchange of expertise,and work programmes for the criminal justice system in order to strengthen cooperation between the law enforcement practitioners in the Member States.欧盟委员会的计划,旨在对刑事司法系统开展培训、交流专业知识和工作方案以加强会员国从业人员的合作执法。
A European Commission programme of incen-tives and exchanges for legal practitioners in the area of civil law,with the aim of facilitating judicial cooperation between Member States by fostering mutual knowledge of legal and judicial systems.欧盟委员会在该领域对民事法律工作者实施的奖励和交流方案,目的是增进成员国间对彼此法律和司法体系的认知,促进司法合作。
The reason or point that something relies on for validity.事物正确所依凭的原因或立场。
A foreign national is inadmissible on health grounds if their health condition(a)is likely to be a danger to public health;(b)is likely to be a danger to public safety;or(c)might reasonably be expected to cause excessive demand on health or social services.以下健康状况的外国人不得入境:(a)可能会对公众健康构成危险的;(b)可能会对公众安全构成危险的;或(c)可能会造成对健康或社会服务过多需求的。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第38(1)条)
Any Contracting Party responsible for proce-ssing an application for asylum may,for humanitarian reasons,based in particular family or cultural grounds,ask another Contracting Party to assume that responsibility provided that the asylum seeker so desires.The Contracting Party to which such a request is made shall consider whether it can be granted.出于人道主义原因,基于特殊家庭或文化的考虑,负责审理庇护申请的缔约国可请求其他缔约国承担该责任,只要该庇护寻求者有此意愿。被请求缔约国应考虑是否授予庇护申请。(2000年申根协议第36条)
grounds of appeal上诉的原因
In migration context,it means the reasons that one depends on to file an appeal against the decision made by immigration officer.移徙背景下,指就移民官员的决定提出上诉依据的理由。
Sub-paragraph(1)is subject to paragraph 24 and to any restriction on the grounds of appeal.第(1)分款受到第24条款的约束并受任何上诉理由限制。(英国1999年移民与庇护法第21(2)条)
A person who wishes to appeal under subsection(1)shall serve written notice of appeal,stating his grounds of appeal and the facts upon which he relies,upon the superintendent of the detention centre to which he is transferred,within 48 hours after his transfer to that detention centre.欲根据第(1)款上诉的人员应在其被转移至拘留中心的48小时内,在所至居留中心监管人员的监管下,提交书面上诉通知书,陈述上诉的原因和依据的事实。(香港移民法2009年修订第13DA(2)条)
grounds of inadmissibility不予入境的原因
Definitions set forth in migration law or regulations,of reasons for which non-nationals may be prohibited from entering the State.Even where a person is otherwise eligible for a visa or other immigration status,if he/she falls within a ground of inadmissibility,the visa or other status will be denied.Grounds of inadmissibility are typically designed to precl-ude entry of undesirable non-nationals,such as persons without valid travel documents,persons with criminal convictions,persons who are believed to be a danger to public health or public safety,persons who have been previously deported.移徙法或移徙法规就非国民不被允许进入某国的原因给出的定义。甚至即使某人有资格获得签证或其他移徙身份,如果其存在不予入境的原因,其签证或其他身份将被取消。不予入境的原因通常是用来拒绝不希望的非国民入境,例如没有有效入境证件的人、被刑事定罪的人、被认为对公共卫生和安全有危害的人、先前被驱逐的人。相关词语 waiver(免除;放弃)
The report shall include a description of the number of temporary resident permits issued under section 24,categorized according to grounds of inadmissibility.报告应包括根据第24条规定签发的临时居留证的数量,根据不予入境原因进行分类。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第94(2)(d)条)
Removal when asylum is terminated.— An alien described in paragraph(2)is subject to any applicable grounds of inadmissibility or deportability under section 212(a)and 237(a),and the alien's removal or return shall be directed by the Attorney General in accordance with sections 240 and 241.庇护终止时的驱逐。——第212(a)和237(a)条中不予入境或递解出境的原因适用于第(2)款中描述的外国人,且该类外国人的驱逐或遣返需由部长根据第240条和第241条下达命令。(美国移民与国籍法2010年修订版第208节第c(3)条)
group determination of refugee status难民身份的群体确定
A practice by which all persons forming part of a large-scale influx are regarded as refugees on aprima facie basis.Group determination ensures that protection and assistance needs are met without prior individual status determination.初步确定大规模涌入人员为难民的做法。群体确定能够保证在个体身份未确认前就可以得到需要的保护与援助。
group permit团体旅游许可证
See group visa.见团体签证。
group visa团体签证
Group visa is the one issued to a tourist group organized by the travel agency which comprises at least five members who must travel together in and out of a country.The group visa is evidenced on the group tourist form instead of the individual passport.团体签证是签发给由旅行社组织的包括至少5名成员,在一国境内或境外集体旅行的旅游团。旅游团签证贴在旅行团表格上而不是在个人护照上。
An ordinary tourist group visa shall be issued for a term of up to one month to a foreign citizen who enters the Russian Federation as a tourist as part of an organised tourist group(of at least five persons)if there is an approp-riately executed contract for the provision of tourist services and a confirmation of reception from an organisation pursuing tourist activity.如果存在关于旅游服务规定的已执行的合同及确认接收从事旅游活动的组织,可向作为有组织的旅游团体(至少五人)成员的身份进入俄罗斯联邦的外国公民签发期限至多为一个月的普通旅游团体签证。(1996年出入俄罗斯联邦程序法2004年修订第25.6条)
An agreement to be responsible for another's debt or obligation should the other be unable to pay or perform.In the migration context,a guarantee may be demanded of non-nationals seeking entry to a State,that they intend to depart from the State at the end of their stay.在某人无法偿还债务或履行义务的情况下负责承担其债务或责任的协议。移徙背景下,要求入境他国的非国民提供担保人,以使其在居留结束时按计划离开该国。
If the Immigration Division orders the release of a permanent resident or a foreign national,it may impose any conditions that it considers necessary,including the payment of a deposit or the posting of a guarantee for compliance with the conditions.如果移民法庭下令释放永久居民或外国人,移民法庭可指定其认为必需的任何条件,包括支付保证金或交付遵守条件的抵押品。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第58(3)条)
No one shall conduct the activities falling under any of the following sub-paragraphs in order to allow a foreigner to enter the Republic of Korea:1.Acts of inviting a foreigner by illegal means such as a statement of false fact or a false identity guarantee,or acts of assisting it;and 2.Acts of falsely applying for a visa or a visa issuance certificate,or acts of assisting it.任何人员不得为了使外国人进入大韩民国而从事以下条款规定的活动:1.以诸如陈述虚假事实或虚假身份担保之类的非法手段邀请外国人的行为,或帮助实现上述行为的行为;且 2.未如实申请签证或签证签发证书的行为,或帮助实现上述行为的行为。(韩国1963年移民控制法2002年修订第7-2条)
One who makes a guaranty or give security for a debt.作出保证或提供债务担保的人员。
If a guarantee has been provided for expenses pursuant to the first paragraph of this section,the guarantor may make a claim to have these expenses covered.根据本条第一款如果向被担保人提供了费用,担保人可向其提出索赔要求支付这些费用。(挪威1998年移民法2002年修订版第46条)
Any person to whom the internment or deportation order is issued,and who is under the internment,his/her guarantor or legal representative,etc.,may request a temporary release from the internment to the head of the office or branch office,or the head of the foreigner internment camp under the conditions as prescribed by the Presidential Decree.拘留令或驱逐令的对象,且目前处于拘留状态,其担保人或法人代表等可依据总统令规定的条件向移民局领导或分局领导,或外国人拘留营提出临时释放要求。(韩国移民法2002年第65(1)条)
One who has the legal authority and duty to care for another's person or property,usually because of the other's incapacity,disability,or status as a minor.有法律权力或职责照顾他人或财产的人,通常是因为他人无生活能力、残疾或为未成年人。
Minor foreigners under the age of 16 shall also fulfill the passport obligation through entry in a legal guardian's recognised and valid passport or passport substitute.For minor foreigners aged ten or over,this provision shall apply only when the minor's own photograph is included in the passport or passport substitute.16岁以下的未成年外国人在入境时,以承认的法定监护人有效护照或护照替代物的方式入境时也应履行护照义务。对于10岁或10岁以上的未成年人,本条只适用未成年人的照片贴于护照或护照替代物的情形。(德国居留管理法第2条)
In the case that the alien,whose age is under 12 years,is granted permission to take up Residence in the Kingdom,the person with guardian power or the guardian must apply for a Residence Certificate on behalf of the alien concerned.如果未满12岁的外国人被授予在王国居留的许可,具有监护能力的人员或监护人应代表该外国人申请居留证。(泰国B.E.2522移民法第47条)
guardian of a minor未成年人的监护人
See guardian.见监护人。
The fiduciary relationship between a guardian and a ward or other incapacitated person,whereby the guardian assumes the power to make decisions about the ward's person or property.监护人与受法院监护的人员或其他无行为能力人员间的受托关系,据此监护人行使权力就被监护人或财产做出决定。
If an examining medical officer determines that an alien arriving in the United States is inadmissible,is helpless from sickness,mental or physical disability,or infancy,and is accompanied by another alien whose protection or guardianship may be required,the officer may certify such fact for purposes of applying section 212(a)(10)(B)with respect to the other alien.如果进行医疗检查的医学官员确认某位到达美国的外国人不符合准许入境的条件,但由于疾病、精神或身体的残疾或年幼而不能自理,且由另一外国人陪伴,而后者的保护或监护是前者所需要的,该医学官员可以出具适用有关该另一外国人第212(a)(10)(B)条规定事实的证明。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第232(c)条)
A temporary residence permit may be issued to the following aliens to settle with a close relative who is an Estonian citizen or to settle with a close relative who is an alien who has resided in Estonia for at least five years on the basis of a permanent residence permit:to a person under guardianship in order to settle with the guardian who permanently resides in Estonia if the permanent legal income of the guardian ensures that the person will be maintained in Estonia.临时居住证可签发给下列外国人,其目的是同身为爱沙尼亚公民的近亲属定居或同持有永久居住证的且在爱沙尼亚居住5年以上的外国人定居:与在爱沙尼亚永久居住的监护人一起定居爱沙尼亚的被监护人,前提是监护人的长期合法收入能够确保被监护人在爱沙尼亚得到抚养。(爱沙尼亚1993年外国人法1999年修订第123条)
A guesthouse is a kind of lodging,where guests can live in and accommodation is provided.In migration context, it is the official name for migrant detention facilities in Turkey.宾馆是一种旅馆,客人可在此居住,并提供膳宿。移徙背景下,指土耳其移民拘留设施的官方称谓。
guest worker客籍工人
Generally considered to be an economic migrant recruited for a restricted time of settlement and employment.This term is more or less restricted to migration flows in the fifties and sixties of the 20th century,and is no longer used.通常认为是招募来居留一定时限并从业的经济移民。该术语在20世纪五、六十年代局限于移民流动,而现在不再使用了。相关词语 economic migrant(经济移民),migrant worker(移民工人)
By way of derogation from Section 31,approval from the foreigners authority shall not be required for visas intended for foreigners who 1.take up employment as a guest worker or contract worker on the basis of an inter-governmental agreement.下述情况不受第31条的限制,欲签发给下列外国人的签证不需要获得外国人管理机构的批准:1.在政府间协议的基础上以客籍工人或合同工人的身份接受雇佣的人员。(德国2004年居留管理法第35节第2条)
guilloche design扭索纹图案
A pattern of continuous fine lines,usually computer generated,and forming a unique image that can only be accurately re-originated by access to the equipment,software and parameters used in creating the original design.扭索纹图案通常指由计算机生成的一种由连续细线形成的图案,它构成一种独特图像,只能通过创建原图案使用的设备、软件和参数才能准确地重新创建出来。(国际民航组织第9303号文件第一部信息附录1第6条)
Having done something that is a crime.有罪的;犯有罪行的。
A person who contravenes section 118 or 119 is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction by way of indictment to a fine of not more than $1,000,000 or to life imprisonment,or to both.违反第118条或119条的人员为犯罪行为,并会判处不超过1,000,000元的罚金或终身监禁,或两者并罚。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第120条)
Any person who contravenes subsection(1)shall be guilty of an offence against this Act.任何违反第(1)款的人员应被视为犯了违反本法罪行。(马来西亚1959年移民法2006年修订第5(2)条)