Ⅲ. Choose the proper words or expressions from the list below and fill in the blanks.
precedents research published case law previous judge-made resolve attorney-influenced U.S.Supreme Court appointed relevant precedent on-line interaction cases
One considerable difference that exists between common law and civil law countries is the amount of____ 1____ an attorney must do. American attorneys will search to find the____ 2____ relating to a statute before they can say they have thoroughly researched the problem. Without locating and reading the cases that explain the application of the statute or constitutional provision, they have not even begun their research. Modern____ 3____ services have made it faster and more efficient to find cases that might be relevant, but it is still hard work.
Once ____4 ____pertaining to the issue have been found, they have to be analyzed to see if they are ____5____ .Or, if the attorney thinks that his or her case is different from ____6____ cases, he or she must explain why those cases and their decisions are not applicable.
In this way, case law is not only ____7____ but also“ ____8____ ”law. We can say that the common law is the law that is created daily through the ____9____ of judges and attorneys in the courtroom across the United States at all levels, from local courts to the ____10____ .
All types of judges, whether ____11____ or elected, have the legal right to make certain types of decisions. Once a judge makes a decision, that decision becomes a____ 12____ .Of course, that judge's decision itself was based on the ____13 ____taken from previous decisions of earlier judges. In that way, every decision can serve two purposes:to ____14____ the case that the judge is currently hearing and, if the decision is____ 15____ ,to provide other judges precedent to follow.