插叙5 两部《彼得伯勒编年史》
下面两段摘录可以说明这一过渡。它们在有些方面极为相似,而在别的方面则又完全不同。第一个摘录是1123年条目的开头,第二个是1137年(但写于1154年)条目的开篇。首先,在这个古英语的晚期,我们已经可以看到,与早期用法的诸多不同(如cyning成了king),但很多重要特征却依然存在,比如On þyssum geare和 to þam kying中的与格形式、古英语的定冠词se,he(hine)的宾格形式、主谓语的词序颠倒(第101页),以及古英语的一些惯用语如on an half him等。
On þyssum geare wæs king Henri on Cristes tyde at Dunestaple,
In this year was king henry at Christmas time at Dunstable,
7 þær comen þes eorles sandermen of Angeow to him.
And there came of the earl messenger of Anjou to him.
[=there came to him messenger of the Count of Anjou]
7 þeonem he ferde to Wudestoke, 7 his biscopes 7 his hird eal mid him.
And from there he traveled to Woodstock, and his bishops and his retinue all with him.
Þa tidde hit on an wodnesdei, þet wæs on iiii Idus Iannuareii,
Then happened it on a Wennesday, that was on fourth Ides of January,
[=the fourth day before the Ides of January, i.e., 10 January]
þet se king rad in his derfald; and se biscop Roger of Seresbury on an half him
that the king rode in his deer-park; and the bishop Roger of Salisbury on one side of him
and se biscop Rotbert Bloet of Lincolne on oðer half him, 7 riden þær sprecende.
And the bishop Robert Loet of Lincoln on other side of him, and were riding there talking.
Þa aseh dune se biscop of Lincolne 7 seide to þam king, Laferd kying, ic swelte.
Then sank down the bishop of Lincoln and said to the king, Lord king, I perish.
7 se king alihte dune of his hors 7 alehte hine betwux his earmes
And the king jumped down from his horse and lifted down him between his arms
7 let hine beran ham to his inne, 7 wearð þa sone dead.
And had him carried home to his lodging, and became then straight away dead.
稍后的文本继续显示着古英语的某些特征(以词序为例,我们看到在þa之后出现了颠倒,在Henri King的名词之后出现了形容词),但也有许多不同之处:定冠词变成了þe(也拼作te和the),he的宾格成了him,而且在好几个地方,几乎也都再无注解的必要,因为词序都更加熟悉,句法也都更接近现代式样-如逮捕罗杰主教的那个片段所示。另外,把编年史作为整体加以考察,我们便会发现很多变化正在发生-词尾使用和词语顺序前后不一,相当怪异的表达也经常出现(如下面所注解的从句),给人的印象是:作者试图使用一套新的语言资源以创造一种恰当的风格。
Ðis gære for þe king Stephne ofer sæ to Normandi and ther wes underfangen
This year went the king Stephen over to Normandy and there was received
forþi ðat hi uuenden ðat he sculde ben alsuic alse the eom wes,
because they expected that he would be just such as the uncle was
and forhe hadde get his tresor; ac he to-deld it and scattered sotlice.
and because he had still his treasure; but he squandered it and dissipated foolishly.
Micel hadde Henri king gadered gold and syluer, and na god ne dide me for his saule thar-of.
Much had Henry king amassed gold and sylver, but no good not did one for his soul with it.
[=but no good did it do him for the salvation of his soul]
Þa þe king Stephne to Englalande com, þa macod he his gadering æt Oxeneford,
When king Stephen to England came, then held he his council at Oxford,
and þar he nam þe bicsop Roger of Sereberi, and Alexander biscop of Lincoln
and there he arrested the bishop Roger of Salisbury, and Alexander bishop of Lincoln
and te canceler Roger, hise neues, and dide ælle in prisum.
and the chancellor Roger, his nephews, and put all in prison.
til hi iafen up here castle. Þa the suikes undergæton ðat he milde man was
until they gave up their castles. When the traitors perceived that he mild man was
and softe and god, and na iustice ne dide, þa diden hi alle wunder.
and easy-going and kindly, and no punishment not inflicted, then did they all atrocities.
Hi hadden him manred maked and athes suoren, ac hi nan treuthe ne heolden
They had him homage done and oaths sworn, but they no loyalty not kept.
1 《春天已经来到》存于不列颠图书馆,MS Harley 978, f. 11b。《十一月三十天》见MS Harley 2341。关于综合性的中古英语抒情诗集,见Luria and Hoffman(1974)。
2 《肯特布道文集》现存伦敦不列颠图书馆,MS Cotton Vespasian D. xiv。《兰姆布道文集》现存伦敦兰姆宫,MS Lambeth 487。《三一文集》现存剑桥大学圣体学院,MS 335 B. 14.52。
3 男性代词的使用值得一提。绝大多数抄写员都应该是男性,但中世纪时也逐渐有女性受雇从事抄写工作的。偶尔我们会发现一些片段表明某个文本是女性所有的。12世纪晚期,一份用拉丁语写成、用于向圣母祈祷的布道文,就有这样一个注释:ego ancilla tua[我是您的仆人],其重要性在于,最后两个拉丁词的屈折变化形式都是阴性,而非阳性。此外,一份萨利斯伯里颂诗的抄本也是一样,其中的一个祈祷语,也有人将“你的家庭”由阳性形式的famulum tuum改成了阴性形式的famulam tuam。见Irvine(2000:53)。
4 见Swan(2000)。
5 分别见Lambeth 487和Royal 7 c. xii。例子见Swan(2000:72-75)。
6 该抄本见Lambeth 487。例子见Wilcox(2000:90,94)。
7 Irvine(2000:52)。
8 例子见Teresi(2000)。
9 Proud(2000:120)。
10 此为科尔(Ker)的发现,见Ker(1957:xlix),参见剑桥大学图书馆li.i.33。
11 《彼得伯勒编年史》现存牛津Bodleian Library,MS Laud Misc. 636。
12 有关1137年那个更长的条目摘录,见Crystal(2002a:185-186;2003:33)。记载全年的文本一个复制件,见Dickins and Wilson(1951:4-6)。