306 囗+冬【dōnɡ】/啚【tú】=图(圖)【tú】(会意)
①图【tú】<n.>chart; picture
图画【túhuà】<n.>drawing; picture; painting;
※图片【túpiàn】<n.> picture; photograph
※图像【túxiànɡ】<n.> picture; image

②※图【tú】<n.><v.>plan; scheme
※图谋【túmóu】<n.><v.>scheme; plan; attempt

“员” is primitive word of “圆”.
①※圆形的round; circular; spherical
※又大又圆【yòudà yòuyuán】big and round
※花好月圆【huāhǎoyuèyuán】blooming flowers and full moon - perfect conjugal bliss
②※周全tactful; satisfactory
③※货币单位yuan, the monetary unit of China, equal to 10 jiao or 100 fen.<mea.>1圆=10角=100分
※汤圆【tānɡyuán】<n.> (usu. stuffed) dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup
注意 同音字“职员”“团圆”“公元”“乐园”相区别。
As a radical, “扌”is usually located on the left side of Chinese characters. Commonly known “tishoupang”. The words of the radical “扌” are more
related to the movements of the hands or hands.