United States Capitol美国国会大厦

The United States Capitol is among the most symbolically important and architecturally impressive buildings in the nation. It has housed the meeting chambers of the House of Representatives and the Senate for two centuries, taken as the very heart of America. Almost all the presidents since Jackson have been inaugurated on the steps of the magnificent Capitol building. The Capitol was designed by an amateur architect, William Thornton. In 1793, George Washington laid the cornerstone on Jenkins Hill and the construction began. President John Adams addressed the first joint session of the Congress in the Senate chamber on November 22, 1800, but the building was not finished until 1867.

绝佳享受 Top Things to Enjoy
The Brumidi Corridors布鲁米迪廊道
The Brumidi Corridors reflect great moments and people in United States history. Among the original works are those depicting Benjamin Franklin, John Fitch, Robert Fulton, and events such as the Cession of Louisiana. Also decorating the walls are animals, insects and natural flora indigenous to the United States. Brumidi's design left many spaces open so that future events in United States history could be added.
National Statuary Hall Collection 国家雕塑展览馆
The National Statuary Hall Collection in the United States Capitol comprises statues donated by individual states to honor persons notable in their history. Originally set up in the old Hall of the House of Representatives, renamed National Statuary Hall, the expanding collection has since been spread throughout the Capitol.
开放时间 Opening Hours
The Capitol Visitor Center is open to visitors from 8:30a.m. to 4:30p.m. Monday through Saturday except for Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Year's Day and Inauguration Day.Tours of the U.S. Capitol are conducted from 8:50a.m. to 3:20p.m., Monday through Saturday.
Backpack Warning: Do not bring large daypacks, backpacks or luggage into the Capitol. Any bag larger than 14" wide x 13"high x 4" deep is prohibited. Other restrictions include cans and bottles, full or empty.