So Giglio laughed and blacked his boots, and put back the brush and the bottle into the bag.
When he had done dressing himself, the bag gave another little hop, and he went to it and took out--1.A tablecloth and a napkin.
2.A sugar-basin full of the best loaf-sugar.
4, 6, 8, 10.Two forks, two teaspoons, two knives, and a pair of sugar-tongs, and a butter-knife all marked G.
11, 12, 13.A teacup, saucer, and slop-basin.
14.A jug full of delicious cream.
15.A canister with black tea and green.
16.A large tea-urn and boiling water.
17.A saucepan, containing three eggs nicely done.
18.A quarter of a pound of best Epping butter.
19.A brown loaf.
Giglio, having had his breakfast, popped all the things back into the bag, and went out looking for lodgings.I forgot to say that this celebrated university town was called Bosforo.
He took a modest lodging opposite the Schools, paid his bill at the inn, and went to his apartment with his trunk, carpet-bag, and not forgetting, we may be sure, his OTHER bag.
When he opened his trunk, which the day before he had filled with his best clothes, he found it contained only books.And in the first of them which he opened there was written--Clothes for the back, books for the head:
Read and remember them when they are read.
And in his bag, when Giglio looked in it, he found a student's cap and gown, a writing-book full of paper, an inkstand, pens, and a Johnson's dictionary, which was very useful to him, as his spelling had been sadly neglected.
So he sat down and worked away, very, very hard for a whole year, during which 'Mr.Giles' was quite an example to all the students in the University of Bosforo.He never got into any riots or disturbances.The Professors all spoke well of him, and the students liked him too; so that, when at examination, he took all the prizes, viz.--{The Spelling Prize{The French Prize {The Writing Prize {The Arithmetic Prize {The History Prize {The Latin Prize {The Catechism Prize {The Good Conduct Prize,all his fellow-students said, 'Hurrah! Hurray for Giles! Giles is the boy--the student's joy! Hurray for Giles!' And he brought quite a quantity of medals, crowns, books, and tokens of distinction home to his lodgings.
One day after the Examinations, as he was diverting himself at a coffee-house with two friends--(Did I tell you that in his bag, every Saturday night, he found just enough to pay his bills, with a guinea over, for pocketmoney? Didn't I tell you?
Well, he did, as sure as twice twenty makes forty-five)--he chanced to look in the Bosforo Chronicle, and read off, quite easily (for he could spell, read, and write the longest words now), the following:--'ROMANTIC CIRCUMSTANCE.--One of the most extraordinary adventures that we have ever heard has set the neighbouring country of Crim Tartary in a state of great excitement.
'It will be remembered that when the present revered sovereign of Crim Tartary, His Majesty King PADELLA, took possession of the throne, after having vanquished, in the terrific battle of Blunderbusco, the late King CAVOLFIORE, that Prince's only child, the Princess Rosalba, was not found in the royal palace, of which King Padella took possession, and, it was said, had strayed into the forest (being abandoned by all her attendants)where she had been eaten up by those ferocious lions, the last pair of which were captured some time since, and brought to the Tower, after killing several hundred persons.
'His Majesty King Padella, who has the kindest heart in the world, was grieved at the accident which had occurred to the harmless little Princess, for whom His Majesty's known benevolence would certainly have provided a fitting establishment.But her death seemed to be certain.The mangled remains of a cloak, and a little shoe, were found in the forest, during a hunting-party, in which the intrepid sovereign of Crim Tartary slew two of the lions' cubs with his own spear.And these interesting relics of an innocent little creature were carried home and kept by their finder, the Baron Spinachi, formerly an officer in Cavolfiore's household.The Baron was disgraced in consequence of his known legitimist opinions, and has lived for some time in the humble capacity of a wood-cutter, in a forest on the outskirts of the Kingdom of Crim Tartary.
'Last Tuesday week Baron Spinachi and a number of gentlemen, attached to the former dynasty, appeared in arms, crying, "God save Rosalba, the first Queen of Crim Tartary!" and surrounding a lady whom report describes as "BEAUTIFUL EXCEEDINGLY." Her history MAY be authentic, is certainly most romantic.
'The personage calling herself Rosalba states that she was brought out of the forest, fifteen years since, by a lady in a car drawn by dragons (this account is certainly IMPROBABLE), that she was left in the Palace Garden of Blombodinga, where Her Royal Highness the Princess Angelica, now married to His Royal Highness Bulbo, Crown Prince of Crim Tartary, found the child, and, with THAT ELEGANT BENEVOLENCE which has always distinguished the heiress of the throne of Paflagonia, gave the little outcast a SHELTER AND A HOME! Her parentage not being known, and her garb very humble, the foundling was educated in the Palace in a menial capacity, under the name of BETSINDA.
'She did not give satisfaction, and was dismissed, carrying with her, certainly, part of a mantle and a shoe, which she had on when first found.According to her statement she quitted Blombodinga about a year ago, since which time she has been with the Spinachi family.On the very same morning the Prince Giglio, nephew to the King of Paflagonia, a young Prince whose character for TALENT and ORDER were, to say truth, none of the HIGHEST, also quitted Blombodinga, and has not been since heard of!'
'What an extraordinary story!' said Smith and Jones, two young students, Giglio's especial friends.