Part I Overseas Study in Germany and German Education 留学德国和德国教育
Oct.20 th,2011,Thursday, Fine-A Long Wallet of Louis Vutton
In the afternoon sunshine, Wang Chenxin wanders along a lane near her house without a target. It is really a lazy affernoon.She is a senior of Sias International University and majors in education.She has just experienced a shock of her family.She planned to study in the U.S.A.and had a great score 110 of TOEFL while full marks are 120.Yet her daddy lost ffve hundred thousand US Dollars in Shanghai stock market, which means she had no fund to study in the U.S.A.Her mother was very angry and quarreled with her daddy.She escaped to the lane for a peace.
Her mobile rings.“Hurry up to the First People Hospital!Heart attack, your daddy.”shouted her mommy. Wang Chenxin calls a taxi and tells the driver:“The First People Hospital!Please drive as fast as possible.”Suddenly she feels something hard under her.Her hand touches a bag and she sees a Long Wallet of Louis Vutton-that is a wallet of Delighttul Monogram exactly.“My Lord,”she can not help yelling.
“What's the matter?”asks the taxi driver.
“I saw an old friend.”says Wang Chenxin.
She opens her bag, takes out something and put them and the wallet into her bag. Then she checks and makes sure nothing else leff in taxi.
Her aunt is in front of hospital. She tells her that her daddy has been saved and he is sleeping in Heart Ward 211.When she and her aunt enter the ward, she sees her mommy, uncle and cousins besides her sleeping daddy.She murmurs:“Thank you so much to help us.Now it's my turn to take care of my daddy.Mommy goes back to cook supper.Please go home now.If necessary, I will call you, uncle, aunt and my cousins.”
Affer her relattves go, she sits down and takes out the wallet.There are an identification card, a passport, a VISA card and six thothe USAnd Yuan RMB in it.Besides them, she ffnds some name cards, which are the same.She takes out a name card and reads:“Li Yucui.President of Student Union, Medical School, Munich University.Mobile in China:13511800628.Mobile in Germany:17668157321 Phone in Germany:089-56678993.”
Wang Chenxin walks out of the ward and calls Li Yuchui.
Wang Chenxin's mommy comes to the ward with supper. While they are eattng, a beauttful lady in purple suits walks in with a fruit basket in her hand.
“Who is Whang Chenxin?”asks she in a low voice.
“It's me.”says Wang Chenxin.
Li Yucui says“This must be Chenxin's mommy. Good Evening, Aunt.①”and hands her the basket.
“You are so kind to visit my husband with a giff.”
“How is Uncle?”asks Li Yucui.
“It is much better.”answered Wang Chenxin,“Here is your long wallet. Please check your Visa card, money, etc.”
Li Yucui puts the wallet into her bag and says:“I believe you.”
Wang Chenxin's mommy says:“My poor daughter. She should have gone to the USA.Now her daddy fails in his business and has a heart attack.”
“Mommy”,says Wang Chenxin with complaining eyes.
“Why don't you study in Germany without tuition?Today I have an appointment. How about 3 p.m.in Starbucks in Wanda Square on Saturday since I have to leave for Beijing and go back to Germany next Monday?I will treat you.”
“Thank you so much. I will be there”,says Wang Chenxin.